Today in Poland, like in other catholic countries, we are 'celebreting' (ortog)
All SaintS Day. The tradition is to visit the graves of THE deceased
relatives and light candles on their graves. (a co o wiencach?)
In the past THERE existed the tradition of Dziady ("Grandfathers") which has
ITS roots in pagan times. Its goal was to contact the souls of the 'deads' DEAD (nawet w l. mn) and to obtain their 'bias' (cos tu nie tak z tym wyrazem - nie rozumiem tego), as well as TO help them to attain the calmness
in the hereafter LIFE.
This tradition is well-known thanks to the second part of the poetical
novel "Dziady" by Adam Mickiewicz which is considered TO BE one of the greatEST
works of European Romanticism. "Dziady" are known 'of' BY various
interpretation (eg. individualist and romantic, as well as deeply
patriotic and christian) as it was written during the times of
partitions when Poland wasn't on the (dodalabym tutaj worlds') map. Mickiewicz couldn't say some things openly, because of the Russian 'authority' (tutaj podalabym to troche silniej - dlaczego).