Sprawdzenie zdań Present Perfect / Past Simple

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1. Brian -hasn't been traveling- (not travel) aboard yet

2. There -been- (be) a big crowd in the embassy last week

3.- You have talked (you/talk) to anyone when you -have been coming- (come) here yesterday.

4.The greens -has settled- (settle) in your village in 1992

5. He has planted a few exotic trees in his garden.He excepts them to bear fruit next year.

6.I -spended-(spend ) my holidays in the mountains ages ago.

7. -You have been already- (you/already/be) introduced to our boss?

8.We -haven't- (not have) time to read the post yet.

9.It- has been- (be) many weeks since she last -phoned- (phone) to me.

10. -Someone has been helping- (someone/help) Andrew to install the pipes yesterday ?

11.Ever since my wife -has been leaving- (leave) me,I -have been- (be) in despair.

12.Why -she has decided- (she/decide) to quit her job for the firm last month?

13.I'm terribly hungry. I -haven't been eat- (not eat) anything since I ..?.... (set out) on the trip.

14.Danny -losed- (lose) his documents a week ago and someone -finded- (find) them yesterday.

15. We'd like to buy shares . We -have never invested- (never/invest) our money in this way,actually.
>1. Brian -{hasn't travelled}- (not travel) aboard yet
>2. There -{was}- (be) a big crowd in the embassy last week
>3.- You {didn't talk} (you/talk) to anyone when you -{came}-
>(come) here yesterday.
>4.The Greens -{} settled- (settle) in your village in 1992
>5. He has planted a few exotic trees in his garden.He excepts them to
>bear fruit next year. OK
>6.I -{spent}-(spend ) my holidays in the mountains ages ago.
>7. -{Have you already been}- (you/already/be) introduced to our boss?
>8.We -haven't {had}- (not have) time to read the post yet.
>9.It- has been- (be) many weeks since she last -phoned- (phone) to
>me. OK
>10. -{Did someone help}- (someone/help) Andrew to install the
>pipes yesterday ?
>11.Ever since my wife -{left}- (leave) me,I -have been- (be)
>in despair.
>12.Why -{did she decide}- (she/decide) to quit her job for the firm
>last month?
>13.I'm terribly hungry. I -haven't {eaten}- (not eat) anything since
>I {set out} (set out) on the trip.
>14.Danny -{lost}- (lose) his documents a week ago and someone -{found}-
>(find) them yesterday.
>15. We'd like to buy shares . We -have never invested- (never/invest)
>our money in this way,actually. OK
Dzieki :]


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia