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My nightmare journey was a year ago. I was going to Warsaw with my parents and sister to spend Easter at my uncle's house.
Everything that day was going wrong. We started our journey before the rush hour so we were in the middle of gigantic traffic jam. We didn't move for about an hour and for the next one and a half we moved very slowly. In the middletime my family begun to move nervously. My sister because of her sleepiness - she always vomits in the car when the trip is too long. My mother because there wasn't any toilets - she needed one after drinking a small bottle of water. Finally my dad who was very annoyed. After two hours our car was still standing in the middle of the traffic jam and I was sitting in it with my crying and screaming family. At last I reached the end of my will power - it was too many things which plummeted on me. I switched on my MP3 and begun to listen to music because of growing scream in my throat. It was just the job for my nerves.
We were travelling for about six hours. We reached Warsaw after midnight very exhausted. My sister was crying and didn't want to go to bed despite late night. However, we were all happy that it was the end of the day of our nightmare journey. I decided that the next Easter trip must be planned for the day before a long Easter's weekend. All seemed to be OK except one thing - we were in Warsaw, three hundred kilometres away home, and we needed to travel back after two days of Easter.

Z góry dziękuję :*
We started our journey before the rush hour so we were in the middle of gigantic traffic jam. (to zdanie dla mnie niema sensu-popraw)
In the 'middletime' (niema czegos takiego, tutaj miales na mysli MEANTIME my family begun to move nervously.
After two hours our car was still 'standing' (cars don't stand, they get 'stuck') in the middle of the traffic jam and I was sitting in it with my crying and screaming family. At last I reached the end of my 'will power' (to jest jedno slowo) - it was too many things which plummeted on me. I switched on my MP3 and 'begun' BEGAN to listen to music because of THE growing scream in my throat.
My sister was crying and didn't want to go to bed despite THE late 'night' HOUR.
All seemed to be OK except one thing - we were in Warsaw, three hundred
kilometres away FROM home, and we needed to travel back after two days of


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