Prosze o poprawienie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czesc wsyztskim, prosze o sprawdzenie, jestesm swiadoma ze jest mase błędów. z Góry dziekuje

1. miałam chemie. Było 10 minut do konca lekcji.
Koleżanka z ławki była pytana przez nauczyciela, gdy nagle
nastąpiła wielka eksplozja. Wszyscy uczniowie zaczeli biec
w strone drzwi, część probowała uciec przez okna.
Ja również bardzo sie wystraszylam. Byłam oszołomiona,
nie wiedizailam co robic.

2. na obrazku widze 3 osoby, jednak można przypuszczać ze jest ich wiecej, ponieważ
widać oparte ręce o stół.
Na głównym planie widać kobiete która krzyczy.
Ubrana jest w czarną sukienke.
Przed nią przy stole siedzą ludzie. Ubrani sąrównież elegancko
Na stole znajduja się szklanki z wodą i laptopy.
Prawdopodobnie jest to biuro.
Za kobietą są duze okna w których widać drzewa

1. I had chemistry. There was 10 minutes to the end lesson.
Teacher made experience when followed Loud explosion.
All pupils are begin running away to dors, part to windows
I also I has been very disoriented. I did not know what Happen.
There was awful.

2. In the pictures I can see 3 people. However they are more persons because
On the table was based saveral hands.
On main plan shows woman who cry.
She is dressed in black dress.
Before her is table where there sat peaple.
They too are dreesed very elegance.
Probably this is office.
Behind woman are big windows which shows trees

Nie wiem, no nie wiem, jak ci nauczyciele was ucza. Tos to Ty nawet nie jestes zdolna na normalne sformulowanie zdania po angielsku. To powinni uczyc na samym poczatku.
1. There was 10 minutes (ale czego? 10 minutes LEFT)to the 'end lesson' (ostatniej lekcji-popraw).
Teacher made 'experience' (calkowicie zle slowo-popraw) when followed A loud explosion.
All pupils 'are' (niepotr) 'begin' (to ma byc w czasie przeszlym, a nie jest) running away toWARDS THE 'dors' (ortog), 'part' (zle slowo-slownik niestety nie rozumie co masz na mysli) (tutaj brakuje czasownika) toWARDS THE windows
'I also I has' (a to niby po jakiemu? popraw) been very disoriented. I did not know what HAD 'Happen' (dlaczego to ma duza litere, i do tego bledne- tutaj ma byc HAPPENED).
'There' IT was awful.
>1. I {was in chemistry} class then. {It} was 10 minutes {towards} the end {of the} lesson.
>{The} teacher {was conducting an experiment} when {there was a} loud explosion.
>{Some of the} pupils {began} running away {towards the door}, {others tried to escape through the windows}.
>I {got scared as well}. I did not know what {had happened}.
>{That} was awful.
2. However 'they' (zle slowo-popraw) are more 'persons' PEOPLE because...(beczuse co? gdzie jest reszta zdania?)
On the table was based 'saveral' (ortog) 'hands' (zle slowo).
On THE main plan IT shows A woman who IS cryING.
She is dressed in A black dress.
Before her is A table where 'there sat 'peaple' (ortog)' (zla kol slow...people...).
They too are 'dreesed' (ortog) very 'elegance' (zla czesc zdania).
Probably this is AN office.
Behind THE woman are big windows which 'shows' (ale przeciez windowS to l. mnoga-popraw czasownik) trees
dziekuje bardzo
Czy teraz bedzie dobrze?

2. In the pictures I can see 3 people. However they are more persons because
On the table was based saveral hands.
On main plan shows woman who cry.
She is dressed in black dress.
Before her is table where there sat peaple.
They too are dreesed very elegantly.
Probably this is office.
Behind woman are big windows which show trees
However there are more PEOPLE because on the table was based some palms.
On THE main plan IT shows A woman who IS cryING.
She is dressed in A black dress.
Before her is A table where there peaple sat.
They too are dressed very elegantly
Probably this is AN office.
Behind THE woman are big windows which show trees

przepraszam nie to skopiowalem ;D
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie