list nieformalny

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
To jest odpowiedź na list od kolegi. Mam użyć od 120-180 słów. Słownictwo powinno być typowe dla listu nieformalnego. Chciałbym żebyście sprawdzili ten list pod względem gramatycznym.

Hi Chris,

Thanks for your e-mail. It was great to hear from you. I’m sorry beacuse of your flu. I’m glad to hear that you are felling better today and you don’t miss your classes at university. Hope you will recover soon.

I’m fine thank you. I have found a new job. I’m a manager in cosmetics company. It’s very exciting for me because it’s interesting line of business for me. Give my regards to Ian. It’s great that he like his job. Everyone in my familly are very good thank you.

I read that you are going to my town in may. It’s fantastic! I think that you can stay in my flat. I won’t take any money from you and it will be pleasure for me to show you my town. It will be awesome!

Anyway, that’s all for now. Hope to hear from you soon.


Hi Chris,

Thanks for your e-mail. It was great to hear from you. I'm sorry that you've got the flu. I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better today and you aren't missing any more classes at university. Hope you will recover soon.

I'm fine thank you. I have found a new job. I'm a manager in a cosmetics company. It's very exciting for me because it's an interesting line of business for me. Give my regards to Ian. It's great that he likes his job. Everyone in my family are very well thank you.

I read that you are coming to my town in May. It's fantastic! I think that you can stay in my flat. I won't take any money from you and it will be a pleasure for me to show you my town. It will be awesome!

Anyway, that's all for now. Hope to hear from you soon.




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