Proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bedac w Anglii, chcesz zaoszczedzic na oplatach za mieszkanie i poszukujesz osob chcetnych do wspolnego zamieszkania. napisz ogloszenie w tej sprawie. w swoim ogloszeniu zamiesc nastepujace dane:
- czego dotyczy Twoje ogloszenie
- gdzie znajduje sie i jakie jest Twoje mieszkanie
- kim jestes (wiek, narodowosc, cechy osobowe, zainteresowanie)
- z kim najchetniej chcialabys mieszkac

I`m Bartek and I come from Poland. I`m looking for students, who want to share flat with another people. I live alone, in three-room flat, with kitchen and bathroom. Itis at Brzozowska Street near the Sobieski University, where I`m studying economy. I`m fond of volleyball, skiing and music. I would like to settle with other students, who are sociable, lively and friendly. If you are interested in, please contact me on [tel].
I`m Bartek and I come from Poland. I`m looking for students, who want to share A flat with other people. I live alone, in A three-room flat, with A kitchen and bathroom. It is LOCATED at Brzozowska Street near the Sobieski University, where I`m studying economICS. I`m fond of volleyball, skiing and music. I would like to with other students, who are sociable, lively and friendly. If you are interested , please contact me AT [tel].


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie