Sprawdzenie opisu zdjecia

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
On the picture I can see on the second plan little mountains, and bushes. At first plan I can see a young man jumping on the mountainboard. He is wearing Tshirt and special equipment for mountainboard jumpers.
I think that the kind of sport is exciting and dangerous, but young people like it.
Mountain board jumping is dangerous because doing it we can broke our bones. Young people doing it because it gets them more adrenalin and they can show off.
po pierwsze IN the picture, po drugie zacznij od środka obrazka, czyli głównego planu.
"jumping is dangerous because doing it we can broke our bones. Young people doing it because it" -> jumping is dangerous because when we do it lub when we are doing it we can broke our bones. Young people do it lub are doing it....
>>>>>jumping is dangerous because doing it we can 'broke' BREAK our bones. Young
people 'doing it' DO IT because it" jumping is dangerous because when
we do it lub when we are doing it we can 'broke' (niewiem dlaczego myslisz ze to jest dobry czasownik?) our bones.


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