Do sprawdzenia

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"We would invest $10 million in Merison Company. In our opinion it has good prospects for growth. At first it is a modern and reliable company which sells good products. What is more turnover of this company has increased a lot during last years ( i wciąż wzrasta jak coś). Moreover earnings per share still are going up. Dividends are higher each year, too. We think that we will be satisfactory putting money into this company."
"We would invest $10 million in Merison Company. In our opinion it has good prospects for growth. FIRST (AT FIRST = Z POCZĄTKU) it is a modern and reliable company which sells good products. What is more przecinek THE COMPANY'S turnover has increased CONSIDERABLY OVER THE last FEW years AND IS STILL INCREASING ( i wciąż wzrasta jak coś). Moreover earnings per share ARE still going up. Dividends HAVE BEEN higher each year, too. We think that we will be satisfactory (=ZADOWALAJĄCY) putting money into this company."


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia