Krótki tekst do sprawdzenia

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam serdecznie,

bardzo proszę o pomoc w sprawdzeniu tego krótkiego tekstu, zależy mi aby usunąć z niego wszystkie błędy.

Będę na prawdę bardzo wdzięczny za pomoc.

The first part of text is about life, love and Heath.
In the developed world average man life until he is 75,4 years old, whereas woman life to 80,2 years old. Illness, which cause the most death is heart disease. In the Monday death more people on heart attack. In Europe men usually get married after 27 years old, but women often get married after 25 years old. Couple which they are marriage for 10,5 years often get divorce.

The second part of text is about work, habit and body.
The average woman, who work in the UK on the full-time earn 580 euro per weekend. Men earn more about 210 euro per weekend and work for 40 hours per weekend. Usually men spend money for hobby and presents. Men smokes 104 cigarettes pen weekend, women only 15 cigarettes less then men. The average men eat 27,200 kg during his lifetime. Women more care about their body. The average women try to diet 6 times in their lifetime.

The third part of text is about leisure activities.
Every day the average women watch TV or listen to the radio for 2 hours and 37 minutes, when men do this for about 3 hours. Women spend a many time in the kitchen or do housework for 2 hours 18 minutes, whereas men spend only 45 minutes work in house. Women often go to for example gym or does yoga. In this time men in 35% case don’t anything do or go for a walk.

The fourth part of text is about conversation topic.
The women talk more then men. Often women talk about their relationship and other people and use 7,000 words, whereas men usually talk about sport, politics, economics or abstract idea and use only 2,000 words.

Pozdrawiam i dziękuję za pomoc :)
The first part of THE text is about life, love and 'Heath' (Heath to byl kiedys Prime Minister of England - dlaczego tutaj o nim piszesz?).
In the developed world AN average man 'life' (tutaj masz rzeczownik, a przeciez potrzebny jest czasownik) until he is 75,4 years old, whereas woman 'life' (to co napisales to 'zycie' tutaj potrzeba cczasownika) to 80,2 years old. THE illness, which 'cause' (ale jak mowisz o jednej illness, to zmien) the most death is heart disease. 'In' ON 'the' A Monday 'death' (zle slow-tutaj potrzeba czasownika) more people 'on' (zle slowo) heart attack (zmien zdanie -to bardzo nijak sie czyta). In Europe men usually get married 'after 27 years old' (cos tu nie tak), but women often get married 'after 25 years old' (zmien to). Couple which 'they are marriage' (to p[o nijaku, bo napewno nie po ang - nie rozrozniasz czesci zdania) 'for' AFTER 10,5 years often get divorceD.
The second part of THE text is about work, 'habit' (czy przypadkiem nie ma tu byc l. mnoga) and THE body.
The average woman, who 'work' (ale tutaj ma byc koncowka 3os.l.poj) in the UK 'on' (znowu ta kalka z polskiego 'na', ile to juz razy pisalam, -popraw) 'the' (niwepotr) full-time 'earn' (dlaczego nic nie rozumiesz o czasownikach 3os.l.poj?) 580 euro per weekend. Men earn 'more about 210 euro' (zla kol slow) per weekend and work for 40 hours per weekend. Usually men spend money 'for' ON 'hobby' (jak tylko jedno to musisz napisac jakie, jak l. mn - to dostosuj rzeczownik do tego) and presents. Men 'smokes' (a dlaczego dajesz l. mnoga a wtedy czasownik 3os.l.poj- cos tu nie tak) 104 cigarettes 'pen' (ortog) weekend, women 'only' (nie orzumiem dlaczego to slowo tutaj jest) 15 cigarettes less then men. The average 'men' (przeciez nie moze byc rzreczownik l. mnogiej 'men'; a wtedy 'his') eat 27,200 kg during his lifetime. 'Women more
care about their body.' (zmien slowa w tym zdaniu i nie tlumacz z polskiego, bo to tak nie idzie)
The third part of THE text is about leisure activities.
Every day the average women watch TV or listen to the radio for 2
hours and 37 minutes, 'when' (jest inne slowo WHILST) men do this for about 3 hours. Women spend 'a many time' (tegto nawet nie rozumiem) in the kitchen or do housework for 2 hours 18 minutes, whereas men spend only 45 minutes work in THE house. Women often go to for example gym or 'does' (*women does - co to?) yoga. 'In' AT this time men in 35% case 'don't anything do' (zla kol slow) or go for a walk.
The fourth part of THE text is about conversation topicS.
Often women talk about their relationship and other people and use 7,000 words, whereas men usually talk about sport, politics, economics 'or abstract idea' (nie, albo AN abstract idea, albo 'abstract ideas') and use only 2,000 words.
Dziękuję za pomoc. Poprawiłem już te błędy, jednak nie wiem jak poprawnie przetłumaczyć zadanie "Kobiety bardziej dbają o swoje ciało", czy mógłbym prosić o podanie mi poprawnego tłumaczenia tego zwrotu?
'Women 'more' (jest w zlym miejscu) care about their body MORE.'


CAE - sesja zima 2009