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mnki to jakas 'czarna magia' bo ich nie chcesz uzywac. Bez tego zdania sa niegram.
Being 'fanous' (ortog) may be a horrible experience
'Is that thing is true' (to nie jest gram zdanie - napisz poprawnie) ? How many people 'thing's' (thing to jest 'rzecz' - o jakich rzeczach tutaj piszesz?) like that?.
As we know famous stars have A much easier and better life then 'casual' (zle slowo) 'citizen' (z dlaczego piszesz 'stars' jako l. mnoga, a wtedy porownujesz to z l. poj - citizen? Co to?).
For example : A famous person 'have' (a dlaczego masz tutaj 'have' - zastanow sie nad tym) got 'absolut' (ortog) 'govern' (zle slowo) but A normal citizen
have 'notching' (zle slowo) besides 'country' (a jakim 'country' piszesz?) rules.
A long time ago my friend 'tell' (tutaj ma byc czas przeszly) me a 'gold thing' (popraw - cos to nie tak) - Famous people have cash and “all" 'what' (kalka z polskiego 'co'-popraw) they want ... but you have crap..."
Why (tutaj brakuje pare slow) being famous may be a horrible experience? Being a famous person is combined with disadvantages like using drugs. (nie zawsze, bo to znaczyloby ze kazda osoba ktora jest 'famous' jest na drugs. A czy tak jest?) Famous 'persons' PEOPLE are much more 'endanger' (zle slowo-popraw) 'for' (zle slowo-popraw) drugs and alcohol, because they have money and
'privilleges' (ortog) so they can try a lot of drugs and alcohols - but
sometimes 'it's' (tutaj ma byc IT 'give' (dostosuj czaasownik do 'it' 3os.l.poj) rise to 'ruines' (zle slowo-popraw) 'carrery' (ortog -popraw) . Famous people have no 'privace' (ortog) and they must live with that. Everyday a photographer waits to take A photo OF a famous person .Every day we can read about their life in newspapers or ON the web . Scandals about their life are everywhere, however far 'are they' (zla kol slow) - 'always' (na koncu zdania) we can read about them (always) . When the famous person is outdoor 'their' (zle slowo-popraw) (tu brakuje czasownika ARE always sought-after it's A horrible experience . A lot of 'glory person' (tego nie rozumiem) have to over work. To be in show 'buissnes' (ortog) they must work hard everyday from Monday to Sunday (dni zawsze piszemy duza litera-podstawowe rzeczy) sometimes much more than 12 hours.
A lot of casual people 'still' (zle slowo-popraw) things :
Being A famous star is perfect - 'notching' (ortog) to do - 'absolut' (ortog) 'govern' (zle slowo-popraw) - for 'notching' (ortog) (tu brakuje THEY are rich - But IT isn't true ! Actors have to overwork and 'theirs' (zle slowo-popraw) life is without THE right of privacy .
WhoEVER wants to be a 'fomous' (ortog) person 'have' (person to tutaj 3os.l.popj-dostosuj czasownik do tego) to chose between THE advantages and
disadvantages. In my opinion being a famous person is A horrible