
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1. I would like to open forum which will be the place to help treat kind of animals. If you have any informations about treat animals lease inform me. I will propose you to set up loyally society which look after treat kind . I think you are worry about fortunate animals and I will perf you to propagate idea to help treat kind of animals

2. I'm searching person who want to go to Edynburg . I'm go there by car I have one place in my car but you must pay me for petrol cost ride will perf including 150 zł. I will drive through Poznań, Berlin and sail to Edynburg. If you interedting in my offert please call to me XXX

3. I'm searchin a native speaker. My English is Elementary. I will talk with you about subject area : job and family. If you will help me I would give you lessons in Polish language. If you interesting my offert please call to me XXX

4. I'm organising a mart it will take place in Olsztyn on Warszawska street it will start on 12 o'clock. I will ask you about take using books in English language. Object mart will be exchange admirer of books. If you interedting in my offert please call to me XXX
proszę o sprawdzenie PILNE ;)
1. I would like to open (tu cos brakuje) forum which 'will' WOULD be the place to help treat 'kind of animals' (tego nie rozumiem). If you have any 'informations' (gdzie niby to slowo znalazlas, jak ono nie istnieje w jez. ang) about (tu cos brakuje) 'treat' (zla czesc zdania - ale tylko zgaduje) (tu brakuje 2 slowa) animals 'lease' (zle slowo - popraw) inform me. I 'will' (nie rozumiem uzycia tego slowa tutaj) propose 'you' (po co to slowo tutaj?) to set up 'loyally' (zle slowo) society which (tu cos brakuje) look after 'treat kind' (tegpo nawet nie rozumiem) . I think you are 'worry' (tutaj ma byc czasownik) about fortunate animals and I will 'perf' (co to jest?) you to propagate (tu cos brakuje) idea to help treat (tu cos brakuje) 'kind' (to ma byc w l. mnogiej) of animals
2. I'm searching (tu brakuje 2 slowa) person who 'want' (person - 3os.l.poj. popraw) to go to 'Edynburg' (popraw) . I'm 'go' (zle slowo - popraw) there by
car I have one place in my car but you must pay me for 'petrol cost
ride' (co to jest zla kol slow?) 'will perf' (co to nawet tego nie rozumiem) including 150 zł. I will drive through Poznań, Berlin and sail to 'Edynburg' (pisz nazwy wlasne poprawnie, bo to mnie wkurza). If you (tu cos brakuje)'interedting' (zle slowo - popraw) in my 'offert' (popraw) please call 'to' (niepotr) me XXX
3. I'm 'searchin' (zle slowo - popraw)(tu cos brakuje) a native speaker.
I will talk with you about (tu cos brakuje) subject area : job and family. If you will help me I would give you lessons in (tu cos brakuje) Polish language. If you (tu brakuje ARE) 'interesting' (zle slowo - popraw) (tu cos brakuje) my 'offert'(popraw) please call 'to' (niepotr) me ONXXX
4. I'm organising a mart it will take place in Olsztyn on Warszawska
'street' (duza litera) it will start 'on' (zle slowo-popraw) 12 o'clock. I 'will ask you about' (co to niby ma byc?) take using books in (tu cos brakuje)English language. (tu cos brakuje) Object mart will be (tu cos brakuje) exchange admirer of books. If you ARE 'interedting' (zle slowo -popraw) in my 'offert' (dlaczego piszesz offert jak slowo jest OFFER) please call 'to' (niepotr)(kto was tak uczy, bo to jest blad-) me ON XXX
1. I would like to open a forum which would be the place to help treat 'kind of animals' (gatunki zwierząt ). If you have any news about 'treat' animals( zagrożone gatunki ) lease (ale jakim zastąpic ??) inform me. I proposeto set up locally society which will look after 'treat kind' (zagrożone gatunki ) . I think you are thinking about fortunate animals and I will 'perf' (zachęcić ) you to propagate that idea to help treat (tu cos brakuje , nie bardzo wiem co?? ) kinds of animals
2. I'm searching someone who wants to go to Edinburgh
(??) . I'm drive there by car I have one place in my car but you must pay me for cost of petrol ride 'will perf' (wyniesie łącznie) including 150 zł. I will drive through Poznań, Berlin and sail to Edinburgh
If you are interested in my offer please call me XXX
Prosze nie przepisywac tego samego z bledami, tylko je POPRAWIC

1. I would like to open a forum which would be the place to help
treat 'kind of animals' (gatunki zwierząt- dlaczego w jez polskim piszesz 'gatunki' ale tego nie raczyc pisac w jez. ang' kind' to gatunEK, a tutaj mowa o gatunkach- trudno do zrozumienia?)
If you have any news about 'treat' animals( zagrożone gatunki-poszukaj w slowniku slowa 'zagrozone' ja, moja kochana, tego za Ciebie nie bede robila- jestem za stara na takie sztuczki- 'lease' (napisalas slowo LEASE a tu ma byc PLEASE - czy czytac tez nie umiesz?) inform me. I propose to set up A 'locally' (zla czesc zdania - POPRAW) society which will look after 'treat kind'- poszukaj jak to ma byc - caly internet BEBNI takimi tematami)(zagrożone gatunki ) . I think you are thinking about fortunate animals and I will 'perf'(gdzie to TY znalazlas takie slowo - to nie znaczy zachecic - ale jak nie umiesz jeszcze otworzyc slownika, to tego tez za ciebie niem mam zamiaru robic)(zachęcić) you to propagate that idea to help treat (tu cos brakuje , nie bardzo wiem co?? ) kinds of animals
information nie ma liczby mnogiej
gatunek zwierzat to animal species
reszte sobie sama sprawdz (np. na ling.pl - zagrozony, zachecic - nawiasem mowiac, gdzie znalazlas 'to perf'?)
>>> I'm searching someone who wants to go to Edinburgh
Tlumaczysz slowo w slowo z polskiego, a ja dla ludzi ktorzy nie maja jeszcze pojecia ze jez. polski a jez. ang roznia sie w gramatyce - nie za bardzo mam chec do pomagania.
3. I'm 'searching tu cos brakuje ??) a native speaker.
I will talk with you about two subject area : job and family. If you will help me I would give you lessons in a Polish language. If you are interested in my offer please call me on XXX
4. I'm organising a mart it will take place in Olsztyn on Warszawska
Street it will start at 12 o'clock. I 'will ask you about' (chciałabym prosić żebyś wziął używan )take using books in the English language. the Object mart will be an exchange admirer of books. If you ARE interested in my offerjak slowo jest please call me ON XXX
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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