błagam was sprawdźcie jutro mam z tego sprawdzian!

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naprawde dla mnie to jest bardzo ważne i bardzo potrzebuje tego na jutro

1.I have part of charakteristics(mam część cech charakteru) slot and fashion victim. I am belong to the slots, because I am tall and slim, admire my teachers and I look down on irresponsible and impolite persons. I feel happy when I get good marks. I am belong to the fashion victims, because I love doing shopping and new clothes make me happy. My wardrobe is full clothes and it often fall on the floor, because I haven't any more place on it.
2. Yes, I could make friends with the slot or the fashion victim, but I think the really slots are very boring persons. So, I rather like to spend my time with the fashion victims. I think our keen on shopping cause that we would very like each other. I think, the fashion victims are funny, maybe little (troche?) vain and selfish. Certainly, close friends are very important for them. If the fashion victim would be a girl, we could change our clothes. I think that it is possible they are the great party animal.
Nie wiem o co chodzi z tym "slot".

Nie "I am belong" tylko I belong. Dlaczego myślisz, że tam trzeba "am"?

...because I love doing shopping
wyrzuć "doing"

My wardrobe is full clothes and it often fall on the floor,
>because I haven't any more place on it.
...and THEY (chodzi o clothes - liczba mnoga)....place for them in my wardrobe.
dzięki za pomoc..:) chodzi o "swot" a ja jak widać nieźle przekręciłam... cóz lepiej tutaj niż na sprawdzianie...
Dalej nic z tego nie wiem. Czy to jakieś brytyjskie słówko?

Tam dalej jest dużo błędów, ale ja właśnie wychodzę.
swot oznacza popularnie "kujon". Prosze wiec kogos o poprawienie reszty.
tak, brytyjskie
I have some of the characteristics of a geek and a fashion victim. I must be a geek, because I am tall and slim, admire my teachers, and I look down on irresponsible and impolite persons. I feel happy when I get good marks. I am a fashion victim, because I love shopping and new clothes make me happy. My wardrobe is full of clothes that is falling onto the floor, because there isn't any more room.

Yes, I could make friends with a geek or a fashion victim, but I think that real geeks are very boring people. So, I would rather like to spend my time with a fashion victim. I think our love of shopping would make us like each other. I think that fashion victims are funny, maybe a little vain and selfish. Certainly, close friends are very important for them. If the fashion victim was a girl, then we could change our clothes. I think that they might be a great party animal.

I hope this helps.

It's ok to correct a piece of writing when there are few mistakes, but not when the author has basic problems with English. Some people on this site (myself included) just point out the mistakes and wait for the writer to present a corrected version. That's the way to teach them writing.
With your well-intentioned corrections, she will be graded well above her ability and will probably come here asking for more.
....clothes that ARE falling onto the floor, because there isn’t any more room.

or alternatively : clothes that are always strewn across the floor, because there isn’t any more room.
hiya james

I've just had a look at your website and found a silly error, I guess - as a native, you do know that your yellowed-star advert should read at least as follows:

lessons for children
English native speaker teaches children from the age of six (years) (no 'old' following 'years') and up ('onwards' would be my personal choice for an advert like that).

hej engee,

"six years and up" looks fine to me. I wouldn't use "onwards"

I agree that "six years (old) and up", may be a little redundant.
hi siuniab

>I agree that "six years (old) and up", may be a little redundant

that 'old' in that phrase is nothing other than a mistake, I'm afraid to say - a simple rule to follow: do not use 'age' and 'years old' together
simple, innit?
Come on Engee ! Don't get at him. Beefeater is cool.( no offence James)
I won't. Promise.

incidentally, would you rather be taught by a native speaker of English making mistakes, or by a Polish English teacher exceptionally well-educated (I mean one who almost never makes mistakes)?
..by the former one on your list :) Because then, I would be able to spot those bloomers.:)
Hi engee:
Back to our discussion (I took a break for dinner).

I don't subscribe to the belief that there is one definitive source for English grammar, which happens to sit on your bookshelf :)

English grammar is complex and often contradictory. Heck, grammarians can't even decide on something as simple as the correct use of the apostrophe. AmE and BrE grammar usage has evolved with different acceptable "practices".

I don't know the source of your "rule", but I suspect it could/would likely be contradicted by an equally dusty old tome on this side of the pond.

Just for fun, I googled "age of * years old" and imagine my surprise to see that 264,000,000 examples popped up.

Like I said before, I agree that "age of X years (old)" seems a bit redundant but I don't believe it to be a grammar error. I respect and admire your knowledge of English grammar engee. I'm happy to learn from you and others on this forum. But this really isn't about grammar, you obviously had an agenda engee. You wanted to discredit a native English speaker who had the temerity to hang up a shingle advertising his services in PL.
You've just taken the words right out of my mouth, dear. But if check your mailbox, you will learn about no less unhealthy agenda that I used to face with.:)
low self-esteem, engee?
>low self-esteem, engee?

no, not at all, eva; as is more than often the case with me, I merely wanted to prescribe a grammar rule that I know of, a grammar rule that is present in one of my fantastic grammar books dealing with prescriptive grammar, a book which happens to sit on my 'bookshelf' :)
Rules is rules, but real life is somet else.
Maybe it's an error, or maybe not, but I have changed it anyway.

Thanks for pointing this out.

>Maybe it's an error, or maybe not, but I have changed it anyway.
>Thanks for pointing this out.

oh that's great, James - it's not me to prescribe that thing with 'age' and 'years old', it's Longman :)

by the way, the picture doesn't show okay in my browser, there must be something wrong with it now
I don't know engee....something's going on.

Over the years I've noticed that whenever you want to discredit a non-native speaker here, you run to the usingenglish forum to obtain an answer from a native speaker (And not all of them there are well-educated. Some have been teaching ESL for years, but all they have in the matter of education is a BA in something unrelated like philosophy and a 6-week ESL teaching course or something equally funny.)

And then, whenever a native speaker here makes a mistake, you point out the superiority of non-native speakers' education over native speakers' language knowledge.

>And then, whenever a native speaker here makes a mistake, you point
>out the superiority of non-native speakers' education over native
>speakers' language knowledge.

I reckon the same thing would easily apply to us native speakers of the Polish language - if there was a non-native knowing more about Polish grammar than myself, then I'd definitely acknowledge their pointing out my mistakes.

I do realise the fact that it usually looks as if I was trying to discredit a native speaker of English; I'd rather call it 'teasing for discussion'.
To, ze mam problemy z językiem angielskim to nie znaczy, że nie rozumiem słówek. Właściwie zadaje sobie teraz pytanie: Po co ja wrzuciłam tutaj ten tekst? Dostalam pewnie bezbłędna wersje tego co ja próbowałam napisałam i wiecie co zrobiłam? Napisałam na sprawdzianie swoją tą z błędami. A dlaczego? Bo NIE ROZUMIEM dlaczego tak jest poprawnie. Strach pomyslec jakiego wstydu bym się najadła gdyby nauczycielka mnie o cos w zwiazku z tym zapytała. Mg może ten sposób, który napisałes jest w jakis sposób dobry, ale ja oczekuje czegos innego : prostego wytłumaczenia, najlepiej podania jakiegos odnośnika np do strony gdzie to jest wytłumaczone. Wtedy komus naprawde pomożecie.

Bardzo kogos prosze aby moje konto zostało usunięte.
Ciekawe rzeczy piszesz: rzadko sie zdarza, żeby ktoś miał wyrzuty sumienia, bo czegoś nie rozumie. To znaczy, że chcesz się uczyć. A dobrym sposobem na nauczenie się czegoś jest zadawanie pytań. Jeżeli czegoś nie rozumiałaś w poprawkach Jamesa, trzeba było o to nas zapytać.
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