zdanie z infinitive constructions

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

Chciałbym zapytać czy dobrze rozwikłałem zdanie z 'infinitive constructions'. Chodzi o zastąpienie części która jest drukowanymi infinitivem albo infinitive construction:

He reached the station exhausted AND WAS VERY DISAPPOINTED WHEN HE LEARNT that the train had just left.

Moja odp: He reached the station just to learn that the train had just left.

Prosiłbym kogoś o zweryfikowanie poprawności mojej odpowiedzi ;)

prawie cale zdanie okay:

>He reached the station exhausted AND WAS VERY DISAPPOINTED WHEN HE
>LEARNT that the train had just left.
>Moja odp: He reached the station {only} to learn that the train had just

w tej konstrukcji wystepuje raczej tylko 'only' (nie 'just')
And also a comma should after station I guess but I'm not posilutely sure, what ?
..should *go .. or limp :)
You're going limp?
You're limping?

or both?

sorry, couldn't resist
no worries, sav, there's no need for a comma to go after 'station'
Ha,ha ! No, no, I'm not going limp but I walk with a pronounced limp as you know.
I'm Dr House. :) And when I walk I sometrimes hum a tune :
"A walking cane here at my side, I take it everywhere I walk (Sting)
Even better Engee , screw this comma :))
dzięki za pomoc! :)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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