Bardzo ważne- pilne..pomóżcie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam proszę o sprawdzenie.. to bardzo ważne .. pierwsza część tekstu troche sprawdona...

Nowadays it is a very serious topic. Both teachers and computers have advantages and their disadvantages.
Firstly in my opinion computers are only great tools. A computer will only do what is programmed in its database, it couldn't be programmed to say or show all things what students want to know. It can teach many subjects but they can't inspire a student to learn more and more about other things. Computers also can't answer many questions which students may ask.
Secondly computers couldn't show emotion, even if they were programmed to do that. Students need some kind of interaction between teacher and student. A thousand smiles or emoticons cannot replace the approving smile of a teacher.
Teachers provide guidance on what is socially or morally right or wrong. Computers can’t see it. Sometimes computers have programs which teach students aggression, for example games.
Computers also cannot identify each student. They only can recognize a student by login or by other things that I don’t know. Today computers haven't such good programs to name individual problems which students have.

Computers can't force the student to the science. They are good to learn when students want to learn voluntarily from own will. In other situation computer cannot force to nothing.
The subject of computers are very long and I can write about it much more but Teachers also aren't ideal and they have disadvantages. But what is computers disadvantages is advantages teachers and inversely.
For example teacher can't remember all information, because his knowledge base up and he can forget some facts. A computer never forgets facts and when students wants to learn they only have to download new info or open uploaded in its memory.
Teachers aren't accessible to instruction of students at the moment when they want to learn. Computer are available for student when they want to learn, they also would teach at the moment and they are easy to use
Regular human teacher can force student to learn, what the truth not always but they are better in this situation than computers.
Teachers can scream when students wouldn't like to hear on lessons. Computers can't do it.
Teachers also can't pay attention to all the students in the class. They also sometimes can't explain some subjects so all understood. The computer can students explain subjects and help to understand what he couldn't teach.
In the end I can say that nothing is ideal. Computer nowadays will teach just as well as a human teacher, but not always. We need that teacher's personal experience who can shed light on subjects a lot easier then text on a computer's screen of can. I have hope that in the future computers can't replace teachers, but that can happen because computers will be much cheaper, and because the students who learn from computers will score better on standardized tests than students who learn from teachers. We must to all it didn't happen so.


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