sprawdzenie zadań - past simple i past continuous

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam na imię Anka i jestem kulawa noga z angielskiego :) Dlatego proszę o sprawdzenie dwóch zadań :)

*realise * haunt * scream * sink * come * disappear * sail

People kept telling me a bout a ship that 1)SANK many years ago and still 2) HAUNTED the seas, but I didn't believe them until I saw it. It happened one beautiful summer night while we 3) WERE SAILING to a nearby island. I was sitting at the front of the boat, gazing at the sea and the stars. Suddenly, I 4) REALISED that a huge black ship 5) WAS COMING closer and closer to us. I was so scared, I 6) SCREAMED loudly. The ship suddenly 7) DISAPPEARED and I never saw it again.

2. *sail *receive *find *be *not/have *climb *run *search *tie *break *rush *explode *sink *happen *exist

In June 1947, the Silver Star, an American ship, 1) WAS SAILING near the island of Sumatra.
Suddenly, it 2) RECEIVED a call for help from the Ourang Medan, a Dutch cargo ship.
When they 3) FOUND it, something 4) WAS strange. The ship 5) DIDN’T HAVE any damage.
While members of the crew 6) WERE CLIMBING on board, shivers 7) RAN down their spines. Some of the men 8) WERE SEARCHING the ship for survivors while others 9) TIED the two boats together.
Then, a mysterious fire 10) BROKE out and the crew 11) RUSHED back to the Silver Star. The ship 12) EXPLODED and it quickly 13) SANK.
Nobody knows what truly 14) HAPPENED on the Ourang Medan or even if it really 15) EXISTED.

Dzięki z góry za odpowiedz :) Pozdrawiam
Mam na imię Anka i jestem kulawa noga z angielskiego :) NIE PISZ TAKICH RZECZY, BO W NIE UWIERZYSZ.
Napisalas calkiem dobra prace domowa

*realise * haunt * scream * sink * come * disappear * sail


2. *sail *receive *find *be *not/have *climb *run *search *tie *break *rush *explode *sink *happen *exist

Some of the men 8) WERE SEARCHING - raczej sinmple past - w kazdym razie ten sam czas w obu czesciach zdania - the ship for survivors while others 9) TIED the two boats together.

no i reszta ok
Dzięki serdeczne za odpowiedź :) Nie jestem zbyt pewna siebie jeśli chodzi o gramatyke, niestety. Rozumiem reguły, ale nie zawsze potrafie je wprowadzić w życie.

ehh no i nie rozumiem :(

w tym zdaniu:

"Some of the men 8) WERE SEARCHING the ship for survivors while others 9) TIED the two boats together."

moja pani od angielskiego stwierdziła, że ma być past continuous w obu przypadkach. Albo w pierwszym Past Simple a drugim Past Continuous. Niestety nie wytłumaczyła mi dlaczego :( Pomożecie ? Bo ja się pogubiłam już, na serio.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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