scenka w sklepie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Temat zadania to scenka w sklepie, do którego przychodzimy z reklamacją relacjonowana z perspektywy czasu. Proszę o sprawdzenie.

Yesterday I bought new jacket at nearby boutique. Unfortunately, I didn't notice one sleeve of that jacket was stained. Only when I saw it I went to the boutique.
I said that I had a problem with my purchase and I asked if I could exchange it for another. Assistant proved be very nice woman. She had been just suprised I didn't notice this at once. She showed me exactly the same jacket which was in an ideal condition.
With new jacket and in good mood I went back home.
I bought a new jacket yesterday at a nearby boutique. Unofortunately, I didn't notice that one sleeve has a stain on it. As soon as I'd seen it, I went back to the boutique. I told the shop assistant about it and I asked her If I could exchanged it. The assistant proved to be a very nice woman. She was surprised that I hadn't notice it before. After all, she showed me exactly the same jacket which was in an ideal condition. I went back home not only with a new jacket but also in a very good mood.

:) x
@CG: zauważ, że tutaj staramy się raczej naprowadzić autora pracy na to, jakie błędy popełnił, niż poprawiać wszystkie błędy za niego. Stąd uwagi typu BRAK PRZEDIMKA albo INNY CZAS, albo TAK NIE WYGLADA PRESENT CONTINUOUS. Dostosujesz się? Jeżeli masz zadatki na belfra, znajdziesz w tym niejaką przyjemność :-)
Ok, I'll try my best ;-)
But now, someone will have to put the second make-up on this writ to finally cover all goofs.:) no offense, cinders.
Hej Sav,
Sorry I've been out of touch. Will catch up soon.
No probs, dear. I still love you :) ha! ha !
You have no idea how much I needed to hear that.
Ooops, I shouldn't ve said such things openly I guess.
But I 'm a retired fossil, after all. Since I can't do anyting but saying .. :)
Believe me, the timing of your "ooops" could not have been better.
I'm up to my eyeballs in alligators.
Hope they're not hostile to you. Mine not.:)
razor sharp teeth, bone-crushing jaw strength and soul-less eyes
I'm toast
Your reptilian friends don’t know it yet but you'll mop the floor with all of them before they can say Jack Robinson. You got your machete, remember ?
If this doesn't help, use my "two-edged sword for rachitic chromosomes".:)
(smiling)..I'll catch up later sweets.
Put the squeeze on them, babe :)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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