Proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosiłbym o sprawdzenie testu multiple choice. Mam z kilkoma przykładami problem. Moja sugerowana odpowiedź to XXXX
1. It's high time he ..... that he needs to study.
b. understands
c. will understand XXX
d. must understand
2.The election is still .....
a. being talked
b been talked about
c talking about
d being talked about XXX
3.Young people .... never eat meat.
a what XXX
b that
c it
d which
4 The girl on the bench seemed..... a detective story.
a reading
b to read
c she was reading
d to be reading XXX
5. I don't enjoy ....
a to be laughed at
b to lough at
c bing laughed at
d laughing at XXX
6. Call me at 10:00, I .... nothing then.
a will do
b will have done XXX
c would do
d will be doing
7. The manager made his secretary .... until 6 p.m.
a work
b working
c to work XXX
d worked
8. Let's meet at 5;30 , I .... work by then.
a will finish
b am finishing
c will be finishing
d will have finished XXX

Muszę się przyznać, że w niektórych zdaniach nie miałem żadnego pomysłu =]
Z góry dziękuję
>1. It's high time he ..... that he needs to study.
>b. understands
>c. will understand XXX
>d. must understand
po takim wyrazeniu, jak 'high time', czasownik wystepuje w formie czasu przeszlego - ...he understood...

>2.The election is still .....
>a. being talked
>b been talked about
>c talking about
>d being talked about XXX OK

>3.Young people .... never eat meat.
>a what XXX
>b that
>c it
>d which
to jest zdanie, w ktorym musisz zastosowac zaimek wzgledny - w tym wypadku bedzie to 'that' (mlodzi ludzie, KTORZY...)

>4 The girl on the bench seemed..... a detective story.
>a reading
>b to read
>c she was reading
>d to be reading XXX OK

>5. I don't enjoy ....
>a to be laughed at
>b to lough at
>c bing laughed at
>d laughing at XXX
nie bawi mnie, jak sie ze mnie smieja - to po angielsku jest 'I don't enjoy being laughed at.'; twoj wybor mozna tlumaczyc jako 'nie bawi mnie smianie sie z.', i koniec!

>6. Call me at 10:00, I .... nothing then.
>a will do
>b will have done XXX
>c would do
>d will be doing
...o dziesiatej - nic nie bede wowczas robil = will be doing nothing then

>7. The manager made his secretary .... until 6 p.m.
>a work
>b working
>c to work XXX
>d worked
w przypadku czasownika czynnego 'make', uzywamy czasownika w tzw. formie 'bare infinitive' - 'made his secretary work', i oczywoscie drugi czasownik bez zadnych zmian typu czas przeszly czy koncowka '-s' tego czasownika

>8. Let's meet at 5;30 , I .... work by then.
>a will finish
>b am finishing
>c will be finishing
>d will have finished XXX OK


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia