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Mary is 30, she is a spinster ans serious bisinesswoman, that's why she usually works day and night. Sje don't have a time for men, since she is love with her boss, who has wife and two children. She has loved him since she met him. Mary thinks time is money. Her only friend is her cat, she loves him, because she musn't care for him at all. But she cares about her appearance-she eats health food, goes to the gym to work out a little, because she knows very well that her company backs beutiful and young people. Actually she doesn't be happy. She has been worked in this same company for 10 years, since then she has settled into a groove, and she has been a single for 2 years. In ones's heart of hearts she is an incurable romantic, she has been writing a book. With all her heart she wished happiness and above all love. It is 14 February-Valentine's Day, 10 a.m. Mary is waking up and it flashed through her mind that she must change her life, because life is short. She is taking a day off and is looking out of the window. She don't remember that today is day of lovers. Suddenly somebody is ringing to bell. She lets somebody in and she sees her neighbour-Peter. He is standing with big bunch of roses. Peter is very shy so he never has told Mary that he has loved her for years. He says; I have been to Paris three times. Do you want go there with me? Mary thinks-This guy is really quite attractive.
Mary is 30, she is a spinster 'ans' (ortog) (tu cos brakuje) serious 'bisinesswoman' (ortog), that's why she usually works day and night. 'Sje' (ortog) 'don't' (nie pisz tego kolokw - napisz to poprawnie) have 'a' (niepotr) time for men, since she is love with her boss, who has (tu cos brakuje) wife and two children.
Her only friend is her cat, she loves him, because she 'musn't' (to jest calkowicie zle slowo, ale ze jestem grzeczna dzisiaj to podpowiem...does not...) care for him at all. But she cares about her appearance-she eats health food, goes to the gym to work out a little, because she knows very well that her
company backs 'beutiful' (ortog) and young people. Actually she 'doesn't be' (to jest zle -popraw - tutaj simple) happy. She has 'been' (niepotr) worked in this same company for 10 years, since then she has settled into a groove, and she has been 'a single' (albo 'a single....' albo 'single') for 2 years. In 'ones's' (juz pisalam o tym 'one' to jest zle uzywane tutaj - napisz 'her') heart of hearts she is an incurable romantic, she has been writing a book. With all her heart she wished (ale komu? czemu?0 happiness and above all love.
Mary is waking up and it flasheS through her mind that she must change her life, because life is short.
She 'don't' (napisz to w calosci i naucz sie pisac w calosci) remember that today is (tu cos brakuje) day of lovers. Suddenly somebody is ringing 'to' (zle slowo-popraw) bell.
He is standing (tu cos brakuje) with (tu cos brakuje) big bunch of roses. Peter is very shy so he 'never has' (zla kol slow) told Mary that he has loved her for years.


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