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Cześć! Mam napisaną pracę o Hucku o książce i o filmie, i prosiłbym o sprawdzenie :)

Huck Finn is a character taken from ,,Adventures of Huckleberry Finn'' written by Mark Twain in 1884. Nearly 100 years later Steven Sommer wrote a script based on this novel and directed a film. I have seen this film and I have read the book, so I can try to compare them.
Huck is a teenage boy, brought up in the south part of USA in XIX century. He doesn't mention about his mother in book, so we can guess that he doesn't remember her. He tells us a lot of facts about his father instead: in the first chapter we learn that he doesn't keep a contact with his father. Then Huck says that he know about his presence in town from time to time. He hasn't got traditional family- an only person who looks after him and provides him food, clothes etc. is an old Widow. He doesn't get on with her very well actually- he seem to be not able to appreciate anyone for doing anything, and I have to admit that it got on my nerves. Some of his reactions to her loyality and love can be really annoying (Huck decides to escape from his house without any clear reason from time to time). In film Huck keep on having a cool gaze and looking at everyone (especially at Widow) with unreasonable annoyance. However, the young actors and actrees are not very bad. They could have been chosen worse. But sometimes they express their emotions so unduly that an ordinary sadness looks like a deep depression. The plot is the same in book and in film - so if you have read a story and want to see a film, it may be a really disappotment that almost every deatil is identical. If you haven't, a plot may not be very predictable, so you may take pleasure in guessing what happens next. Anyway, I was completly bored with learning about the same characters again, besides the Widow - her part is played in very fresh way.
The main key of this book, excluding Huck's adventures is a problem of racial discrimination. Watching the film or reading the story we learn so many things about society in USA in XIX century. Mark Twain attempted to pay people's attention on dramatic situation of American slaves. Jimm, who is dark-skinned slave is not accepted by everyone - at first even his friend - Huck don't approve his escape from his 'owners'. After days of suffering and dengerous adventures he finally comes to the conclusion that everybody is free, having a slave is inhuman at all and that there ought to be a law against it.
To summarize, the ,,Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" is not a bad film. Although the plot and problems in this story seem to be quite simple, i would not reccomend this book for poor readers.
>seen this film and I have read the book, so I can try to compare

Skoro 'this film' to czemu 'the book'? Badź konsekwentny!

> Huck is a teenage boy, brought up in the south part of USA in XIX century

Po angielsku powiemy 'the USA' i 'in the 19th century'.

> He doesn't mention about his mother in book

Po 'mention' nigdy nie może być 'about'. Ewentualnie 'of' albo nic.

> he doesn't keep a contact with his father.

Po 'keep' nie powinno być 'a'. Mówimy 'keep in contact' albo 'stay in contact'.

> Then Huck says that he know about his presence in town from time to time.

Unclear Pronoun Reference! Kogo tyczy się 'his'? Ojcza czy Huck'a?

>an only person

Chyba masz na myśli 'and the only person'?

> He doesn't get on with her very well actually

'Actually' powinno znaleźć się po 'he'. Ale na pewno nie na końcu zdania!

> he seem to be not able to

Po angielsku powiemy 'he doesn't seem to be able'.
Pewnie chciałeś napisać 'seem not to be able', ale wydaje mi się, że to tez byłby błąd.

Może później dopiszę resztę błędów, teraz nie mogę...
Huck Finn is a character taken from "Adventures of Huckleberry
Finn" written by Mark Twain in 1884.
...so I 'can' (moze lepiej WILL) try to compare them.
Huck is a teenage boy, brought up in the SouthERN part of USA in (tu cos brakuje) XIX century. He doesn't mention about his mother in (tu cos brakuje)book, so we can guess that he doesn't remember her.
...keep 'a' (lepiej IN contact with his father. Then Huck says that 'he know' (prosze dostosowac czasownik do rzecz.) about his presence in town from time to time. He hasn't got (tu cos brakuje) traditional family- 'an' (prosze poprawic) only person who looks after him and provides him (tu cos brakuje) food, clothes 'etc' (jak ktos moze jemu dawac etc? co to jest to etc?). is an old Widow. He doesn't get on with her very well actually- 'he seem' (prosze zrozumiec zasady 3os.l.poj i czasownikow i prosze pisac to poprawnie) 'to be not able' (zla kol slow) to appreciate anyone for doing anything, and I
have to admit that 'it' (lepiej THIS got on my nerves.
In (tu cos brakuje) film 'Huck keep' (3os.l.poj i czasownik) on having a cool gaze and looking at everyone (especially at (tu cos brakuje) Widow) with unreasonable annoyance. However, the young actors and 'actrees' (ortog) are not very bad. 'They could have been chosen worse' (zdanie niema sensu-popraw).
The plot is the same in (tu cos brakuje) book and in (tu cos brakuje) film - so if you have read 'a' (tutaj THE-dlatego ze wiesz dokladnie o kim/czym mowisz) story and want to see 'a' THE film, it may be a 'really' (zla czesc zdania) 'disappotment' (ortog) that almost every 'deatil' (ortog) is identical. If you haven't, 'a' THE plot may not be very predictable, so you may take pleasure in guessing what happens next.
Watching the film or reading the story we learn so many things about (tu cos brakuje) society in USA in (tu cos brakuje) XIX century. Mark Twain attempted to pay people's attention 'on' (zle slowo, tutaj TO (tu cos brakuje) dramatic situation of (tu cos brakuje) American slaves. Jimm, who is (tu cos brakuje) dark-skinned slave is not accepted by everyone - at first even his friend - Huck 'don't' (prosze nie pisac kolokwalnie - i napisac to w calosci) approve (tu cos brakuje) his escape from his 'owners'. After days of suffering and dengerous adventures he finally comes to the conclusion that everybody is free, having a slave is inhuman 'at all' (nie rozumiem tego tutaj) and that there ought to be a law against it.
To summarize, the "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" is not a bad
film. Although the plot and problems in this story seem to be quite
simple, 'i' (duza litera ZAWSZE) would not 'reccomend' (ortog) this book for poor readers.

> (Huck decides to escape from his house without any clear reason from time to time).

Co ma znaczyć tutaj 'from time to time'? Daj to na poczatek, na końcu nie ma sensu.

> In film Huck keep on

In THE film Huck KEEPS on...

> especially at Widow

at THE widow

> the young actors and actrees are not very bad

Liczba mnoga od 'actress' to 'actresses'.

> They could have been chosen worse.

Bez sensu... Napisz może 'They could've chosen worse actors'.

> The plot is the same in book and in film

THE book, THE film

> read a story and want to see a film

THE story, THE film

> be a really disappotment

a real disappointment

> her part is played in very fresh way

Jej rola jest grana w świeży sposób?

She acts in a very fresh way. Chociaż brzmi to trochę bez sensu.

> in USA in XIX century

Ten sam błąd, co wczesniej...: the USE, the 19th century.

> on dramatic situation

on A dramatic situation

> situation of American slaves

Napisz 'situation of slaves in America'.
To jest dość trudna działka, jednak uważam, że lepiej unikać używania przymiotników własnych przed rzeczownikami, szczególnie, że w j. angielskim zwykle się tak nie mówi.
Podobny błąd:
*** problems of Polish young generation;
powinno być:
*** problems of young generation in Poland.
W języku angielski tak już jest, to kwestia idiomatyczna.

> who is dark-skinned slave

A dark-s.

> at first even his friend

Co jego przyjaciel? BY his friend

> Huck don't

3. os. l. poj.: doesn't !

> After days of suffering

THE days

> there ought to be a law against it

Powinna być ustawa czy prawo? Chyba masz na myśli prawo, dlatego:

to be law

> the ,,Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"

"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"

> Although the plot and problems in this story

THE problems

> poor readers

Biedni czytelnicy?
Chodzi o to, że tacy, którzy lubią czytać, ale nie mają za dużo pieniędzy, więc lepiej, żeby ich nie marnowali na tę książkę?

Składnia trochę szwankuje, brakuje dobrej formy... Nie wiem, jak długo się uczyć angielskiego, ale jesli jesteś początkujący, to można to wybaczyć...
Poprawiłem tylko najważniejsze błędy i przyglądając się głębiej, możnaby napewno coś jeszcze znaleźć.
Dzięki. Niestety długo, jestem w I lo i idzie mi jak idzie :) ale nauczyć się trzeba ;]


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