opowiadanie - prośba o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Last summer, at the beginning of August my best friend Marta and I went to the mountains where we were going to enjoy wilderness of the nature and admire the beuty of the landscape during daily hikes.
It was a warm morning. We ate breakfast and decided to climp up on the nearly top. Finally, when Marta had packed to our backpacks supply of refreshments, maps and camera we set off. After about hour our walking we felt tired and set out to do rest. Marta laid on the grass and I took photos of admirable sight. Suddenly we heard a thunder and started raining. That was not what I had expected. We wanted to waiting until the sky brighten up but the wheater was getting worse and worse. That was not the end of our problems though, the map was completely wet and illegible. Not having much time to waste , we started to follow a footpath descending to the nearest shelter. We had to be very careful to not fall down beacuse we hardly see anything. "Stop!" - Marta screamed "I'm not going any further. I'm exhausted". Both were soaking and shivering with cold. FOrtunately, a little while leter I saw a cave in distance. We decided to spend a night there.
The next morning as soon as we woke up, we was looking for track to our guest house. Luckily, we found this path very quickly. Tired, but still in a good mood we was coming back and were unable to wait following adventure.

bardzo bym prosila o korekte bledow :))
prosze, zerknijcie na to :(
>Last summer, at the beginning of August my best friend Marta and I
>went to the mountains where we were going to enjoy wilderness of the
>nature and admire the {beauty} of the landscape during daily hikes.
>It was a warm morning. We ate breakfast and decided to climp {high}. Finally, when Marta had packed {} our backpacks {with a good} supply of
>refreshments, maps and camera, we set off. After about {an} hour {of} our walking,
>we felt tired, {so we decided to get some} rest. Marta {lay} on the grass and I
>took {some} photos of {the splendid} sight. Suddenly we heard a thunder and {it}
>started raining. That was not what I had expected. We wanted to
>{wait} until the sky {cleared} up but the {weather} was getting worse
>and worse. That was not the end of our problems {yet}, the map was
>completely wet and illegible. Not having much time to waste, we
>started to follow a footpath descending to the nearest shelter. We had
>to be very careful to not fall down {because} we {could} hardly see anything.
>"Stop!", Marta screamed, "I'm not going any further. I'm exhausted."
>{We} were {both} soaking and shivering with cold. Fortunately, a little while
>{later} I saw a cave in {the} distance. We decided to spend a night {in} there.
>The next morning, as soon as we woke up, we {were} looking for {a} track to
>our guest house. Luckily, we found this path very quickly. Tired, but
>still in a good mood, we {came} back and {couldn't} wait {for}
>following {adventures}.
jeszcze zmien to:
>>went to the mountains where we were going to enjoy {the} wilderness of {}
>nature and admire the {beauties} of the landscape during daily
Last summer, at the beginning of August, my best friend Marta and I went to the mountains where we were going to enjoy COMMUNING WITH nature and admirING the beuty (orto) of the (moze surrounding)landscape during daily hikes.
It was a warm morning. We ate breakfast and decided to climp(orto) up on the [nearly top...popracuj dalej]. Finally, when Marta had packed our backpacks WITH A supply of refreshments, maps and A camera we set off. After about AN hour walking, we felt tired and [set out...wybierz inny czasownik] to rest. Marta laid(zla forma) DOWN on the grass and I took photos of THE [admirable sight...popracuj dalej]. Suddenly, we heard a (crack? peal?) OF thunder and IT started raining. That was not what I had expected. We wanted to until the sky brightenED up but the wheater (orto) was getting worse and worse. That was not the end of our problems though, the map was completely wet and illegible. Not having much time to waste , we started to follow a footpath descending to the nearest shelter. We had to be very careful [to not..kol slow] fall down beacuse we COULD hardly see anything. "Stop!" - Marta screamed "I'm not going any further. I'm exhausted". [Both were...kto???] soaking WET and shivering with cold. Fortunately, a little while leter (orto) I saw a cave in distance. We decided to spend THE night there.
The next morning as soon as we woke up, we lookED for THE track (albo trail) to our guest house. Luckily, we found this path very quickly. Tired, but still in a good mood (albo in good spirits) [we was coming back and were unable to wait following adventure...popracuj dalej].
dziekuje wam bardzo :):)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.