Easter traditions

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Easter is one of the major Christian festivals celebrated in order to commemorate the holy resurrection of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion. It’s one of Poland’s most celebrated holidays. From Ash Wednesday to Easter Monday, Poles celebrate much as they have for centuries. Easter is preceded with Palm Sunday – when the Poles carry embellished palms to get them blessed in the during the service. In the Saturday before Easter, traditional foods are taken to church to be blessed. These foods have symbolic meaning. For example, eggs symbolize life and Christ's resurrection. This food is not eaten until Easter Sunday, when it is placed on a white tablecloth. A traditional Easter soup and Easter cakes may be served at the meal, which begins with an egg being cut into eight pieces and then eaten. On Easter Monday boys splash girls with water. It is an old tradition which dates back from the antiquity. Poland has its own Easter tradition of decorated eggs called pisanki. These may be dyed, decorated using a wax removal method, or colored with paper or fabric. These are placed on the table during the Easter Sunday meal. Eggs are decorated on Holy Thursday or Good Friday.
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