List do kolegi-zaproszenie Sprawdzenie/poprawienie

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Mam napisać list do kolegi/koleżanki i zaprosić ją na wycieczkę.

Oto mój list:

Dear Ewa,

How are you? I`m sorry I haven`t written for so long but I don`t have time.

I`m writing to invite you and your sister Magda to the moutain trip on Friday the 23th.
It`s going to be great!

I`m all planing to meet up at my home at about 7 a.m. on Friday morning.
We`re going to go by train to Zakobane and we`ll stay Friday night. Then we get back to home on Sunday night.

You need to bring a clothes and some comfortable shoes in case we go far a walk. Don`t worry about foods,
because the holiday house in which we`ll live provides us with the food.

I`m planing to share cost between us, it`ll be about Ł80 for 2 night in room in the holiday house,
and you can take some extra money.
I hope that`s OK for you.

Anyway I must finish now. Call me and let me know if you take my invitation.
I would be delighted to spend these a few days with you.

Looking forward to hearning from you.
Lots of love,

Prosiłabym o sprawdzenie go i ewentualne poprawienie ;]
Z góry dziękuję.
I`m sorry I haven`t written for so long but I 'don`t' (don't odnopsi sie do teraz, ale tutaj chyba chodzi o czas przeszly) have time.
I`m writing to invite you and your sister Magda to 'the' (popraw) 'moutain' (ortog) trip on Friday the 23th (a miesiac?, rok?).
I`m 'all' (nie rozumiem uzycia tego slowa tutaj) 'planing' (ortog) to meet up at my home at about 7 a.m. on (tu cos brakuje) Friday morning.
Then we (tu cos brakuje) get back 'to' (niepotr) home on Sunday night.
You need to bring 'a clothes' (pomys, nie dajemy 'a' przed l. mnoga-to dlaczego to robisz?) and some comfortable shoes in case we go far a walk. Don`t worry about (tu cos brakuje) 'foods' (popraw), because the holiday house in which we`ll live provides us with the food.
I`m 'planing' (ortog) to share (tu cos brakuje) cost between us, it`ll be about Ł80 for 2 nightS in (tu cos brakuje) room in the holiday house, and you can take some extra money.
Call me and let me know if you 'take' (tu cos nie tak, albo 'can take up' albo 'want to take up) my invitation.
I would be delighted to spend 'these a few days' (popraw) with you.
Looking forward to 'hearning' (ortog) from you.


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