E-mails or letters-which is better?

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In the 21century, we can communicate in different ways. People on the one hand read a traditional letter on the other hand modern e -mails. However,which with them is better? In my opinion on e-mails is the that we can send and receive messages at a time which suits you. If I want read a message to my friend late at night I will do it. On the contrary to a letter for instance If I wrote a letter at night , I can not sent it right away because post office are closed at this time.The main advantage is that do not have to worry about formal style.In e-mails write everything on the keyboard and special programme improve errors which make.As a result can write a message without errors.E-mails write faster than letters.However, while forget haw we should write a letter and a formal style.Another advantage is that,know immediately what it is abot from the 'subject' box.People can know immediately how is subject e - mails.On the contrary,the written letter.However, e -mails ,have also bad side for instance not everyone checks their our message regularly so they may miss an important news.We can result than have a trouble.On the contrary letters.Next negative side our'beloved' e - mails is fact, that nobody cares about correct spelling or punctuation.Effect this is for example doing many errors and forgetting about good writing a words.If I write a letters , I will learn to write words without errors.What is more e - mails are not usually worth saving whereas you can keep letters and look at them later.Letters are a great memorial for the future.Meanwhile e - mails remove with our computer.On balance,I would say that from time to time worth write a letter.We people 21century don't forget the traditional letter.
'People' (jest w zlym miejscu) On the one hand (people) read a traditional letter on the other hand modern e -mails. However, which 'with' (zle slowo, tutaj OF them is (tu cos brakuje) better? In my opinion 'on' (nie rozumiem uzycia tego slowa tutaj) e-mails 'is' (ale jak 'emails' to l. mn, dlaczego 'is'-l.poj?) (tu cos brakuje) 'the' (nie rozumiem uzycia tego slowa tutaj) that we can send and receive messages at a time which suits you.
If I want (tu cos brakuje) 'read' (czytac? chyba napisac-popraw) a message to my friend late at night I will do it. 'On' (niepotr) 'the' (niepoitr) Contrary to a letter for instance 'If' (dlaczego duza litera?) I wrote a letter at night , I can not sent it right away because (tu cos brakuje) post office 'are' (ale post office to l. poj, tutaj czasownik l. poj) closed at this time. The main advantage is that (kto? musisz napisac) do not have to worry about formal
style.In e-mails (tu cos brakuje) write everything on the keyboard and special
programme 'improve' (prog. improveS) errors which (tu cos brakuje) make. As a result (tu cos brakuje) can write a message without errors.
...E-mails 'write' (zly czas, same sie one pisza?) faster than letters.
However, while (tu cos brakuje) forget 'haw' (ortog) we should write a letter and a formal style....(cos to zdanie niema sensu). Another advantage is
that,(kto? musisz napisac) knowS immediately what it is 'abot' (ortog) from the 'subject' box.People can know immediately 'how is subject' (cos tu nie tak) - mails.
...On the contrary,the written letter... (to nie jest zdaniem).
However, e -mails ,have also (tu cos brakuje) bad side for instance not
everyone checks their 'our' (nie rozumiem uzycia tego slowa) message regularly so they may miss an important news.
...We can result than have a trouble. (to zdanie jest bez sensu, dlaczego we can? tego przeciez nie masz na mysli)
...On the contrary letters...(to nie jest zdanie).
Next (tu cos brakuje) negative side (tu cos brakuje) our 'beloved' e - mails is (tu cos brakuje) fact, that nobody cares about correct spelling or punctuation. (tu cos brakuje) effect (tu cos brakuje) this is for example doing many errors and forgetting about 'good writing a words' (zla kol slow) . If I write a 'letters' (dlaczego tu masz l.mn i dlaczego dales 'a' przed tym?) , I will learn to write words without errors.
...Meanwhile e - mails remove (ale remove CO?) with our computer. On balance,I would say that from time to time (tu brakuje 2 slowa) worth 'write' (zle slkowo) a letter. We people (tu brakuje 2 slowa) 21century 'don't' (to jest zle slow, tutaj should not) forget the traditional letter.
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