
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Moglibyscie mi sprawdzic i poprawic lub nawet cos dopisac do tego listu?
Za granica zaprosilam znajomych na przyjecie urodzinowe do restauracji. Niestety przyjecie nie spelnilo twoich oczekiwan .Napisz reklamacje w ktorej:
-okreslisz cel listu i podasz kiedy odbylo sie przyjecie
-opiszesz co sie stalo oraz jak prowales/as rozwiazac problem
-opiszesz jak ty i twoi goscie czuliscie sie w zaistnialej sytuacji
-okreslisz forme i termin oczekiwanej rekompensaty.
czasie przeszlym trzeba to napisac

Dear Sir/Madam
I want to express my dissatisfaction with meal in restaurant.
The adoption took place on March 5, 2010 years.
The service was pleasant, but the meal...was awful!The soup was too salty and cold, and potatoes oversalt.I asked the waitress to bring us another soup, but the next soup was not too hot.
The second dish was not too tasty. Oversalt potatoes and meat not fried.
Food had no taste.When I told the waitress about it, she smiled at me and told that the cook is sick and he doesn't have the sense of taste.
Along with the guests we were not satisfied with the meals, prepare the other dishes we ate that were done. I would like to receive a full refund of the money I paid for my meal

Yours faithfully
A przedimki to po co sa? Dla ozdoby? Prosze je uzywac, kazde zdanie przed przedimka jest niegram.

Dear Sir/Madam, (przecinek)
I want to express my dissatisfaction with (tu cos brakuje) meal in (tu cos brakuje)restaurant.
The 'adoption' (o czym ty piszesz, o jakiej adopcji?) took place on March 5, '2010 years.' (poszukaj jak piszemy rok)
The soup was too salty and cold, and potatoes 'oversalt' (ortog i zla czesc zdania).
'Oversalt' (nie rozumiem gdzie znalazlas to slowo, to jest blad-popraw) potatoes and (tu cos brakuje) meat not fried.
(tu cos brakuje) food had no taste.When I told the waitress about it, she smiled at me and told that the cook is sick and he (tu cos brakuje) doesn't have the sense of taste.
Along with the guests we were not satisfied with the meals, 'prepare' (to jest zle slowo) 'the other dishes we ate that were done' (tego nawet nie rozumiem).


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