list do dyrektora ;) sprawdzcie

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Temat: Letter of complaint - You have noticed that students at your son`s school are often left unattended. Write a letter & ask him to ensure that the situation does not continue.

Dear Sir/ Madam,

It is with regret that I must write to draw your attention to the situation of leaving students without care I have noticed.

Personally speaking, I admit that I have heard many positive opinions about your school and standards of learning pupils. For this reason, I decided to change the previous state school of my son to private school. I regret to inform you how appalled I was when my son told me that his class is often left unattended. Such a situation seems tome inexcusable.

In spite the fact that I had to explain the problem with the teacher, my child informed me that the same thing happened. Such an inattentive behaviour teacher should not be tolerated in a school which has a good reputation among people.

Might I suggest that, it would be advisable for your school to start controls of each lessons and to assign more teachers to one class.

As a parent, I feel disappointed with the way my child has been neglected. I hope this matter will be resolved as soon as possible. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Kate Kowalska


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