SProswzę o sprawdzenie listu

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie treści poniższego listu.
(letter of complaint)
You have noticed that ss at your son's school are often left unattended.

Dear Mr. Doe

I am writting to draw you attention to the problem with leaving students unattended in classroom.
Firstly, leaving students alone during classes may have a very unpleasant consequences. They shout, throw pieces of paper, erasers, pens or poke each other.Such manners lead to increase of violence among students and can cause grievous injuries by chance or with premeditation.
To make matters worse, students lefted without a person who keeps an eye on them, can drink alcohole, smoke cigarettes by the window or out of the classroom or just go out.
When students are unattended they feel like doing something that can cause extensive damages. It usually begins with throwing a chalks but ends with throwing a rubbish bin or destroing a chairs or tables. I do not want to know what happens with your bag if you leave it too.
I suggest you sharing your private life from your job and stay in classroom for all the 45 minutes. If there is a matter of urgency you should request someone to watch your class during your absence.
I trust that you will take the matter under serious consideration and that this will not happen again.

Yours sincerely


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