"zażalenie"-proszę Was o pomoc :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Będę wdzięczna za fachową korektę. Oto mój kulawy list:

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Murray

My name is Goya Toledo and I live in Holyhead
on the Tara Street.I must express my dissatisfaction
with living in the vicinity of Yours son Jeff Murray.

He is a very troublesome nighbor. I work very long so
I would like to sleepat night. Unfornately every day
from his house coming to loud music.
Very annoying thing is that he and his guests leave
trash on the lawn in most bottles of beer. Broken glass
is very dangerous for children,
because they play in the near, not to mention the fact
that rubbish storm my aesthetic sense.

In view of the numerous repeat violations of rules of
coexistence neighborhood I please for immediate
intervention. If the behavior of Yours son will not change,
I will be forced refer the matter to the police.

Yours sincerely,

Goya Toledo


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