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Good morning, I'll try to explain why i don't agree with the opinion that only the animals in zoos will survive if we dont change our attitude to the enviroment.

First of all, i want to precisize. I think that animals we need, like cows, pigs, husbandry fishes etc. will live but many wild animals can become extincted. Especially species that are now on edge of extinction. But we need to remember that sometimes it's not fauld of humanity, species were becoming extincted from the begining of life.

But what with species that humanity don't need, what we hate ? I think that cocroaches will survive anything, and even if everybody on earth would try to kill them, they will survive. They can live witout heads and die because of hunger. There is even saying that they will survive nuclear war ! I think that most pests will live as long, and propably longer than humanity, its Murphy's Law.

Secondly, what about pets? Dogs, cats, goldfishes, rabbids etc.? Are they treat bad? Many of them have better conditions than many humans. Many of dogs are even heir of millionaires. Of course, maybe asians will become dominating race and they will eat every dog on earth but it's rather impossible.

I think thats all, of course I wasn't men to say that we shouldn't change our attitude to the anviroment, but to say that some species will survive nearly everything.
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