Prosze o pomoc w napisaniu opinion essay na temat Cultured people don't use vulgar language they know better. justify your opinion.
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In our environment we are meeting a lot of well educated, having active in social life but using vulgar language people, Are they culture? In my opinion no, because for me
cultured person knowing how match proper language to situation, don't have to use vulgarisms to express feelings or opinion upon person or situation.
The main arguments is that cultured people have hudge sense of live in sociaty, they know if somebody want to be respected in company he must80
respect other people rights. Vulgarisms didin't express esteem to own person and others they can hurt and spoil relationes with somebody102.
On the other hand cultured people have flexible mind, they know how to good functioning and acting with people because in our tense the
most important thing aren't just informations but ability of explointing them in practise. Their knowledge of savire vivre rules
enables them to always be tactful, well-mannered and helpful. Moreover they have wild range of words what permit them to use perfect phrase. They don't have to use
offencive words because they have got many options to talk about hard situations, they can have full control of emotions.
However there is a direct relationship between concepion the cultura and difference of generations. In last years world was developing very fasta and some
value just gone. Now the world is more straightforword and peopl have another thinking about life, so we have diffarent opinion about vulgarisms. Some vulgar words
in the past are now accepted.That way we have a lot of generosity conflicts.
In my opinion for title cultured person we are working all time in every situations. Every aspects of our live are importent if we lost one of them like
right langage we cant call ourselfs cultured, if we do this we will be cheating.