Bardzo prosze o sprawdzenie wstepu

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosze o sprawdzenie, głownie czy gdzies brakuje przecinkow z ktorymi zawsze mam problem.
Incessantly visited, described and photographed the Italian city of Venice located in a lagoon on the edge of the Adriatic coast is considered to be one of the most romantic places in the world where idyllic landscapes and romance have co-existed in harmony from time immemorial. However, hardly anybody knows that
venice is also significant from a historical point of view as it is believed to be a birthplace of Renaissance.
a to nie jest zadanie na przecinki?
To jest moj wstep do opisu miasta i zastanawiam czy pomiedzy venice a located powinien byc przecinek czy nie.
>>> moj wstep
A 'cut and paste' tez umiesz robic?. Tego sama nie pisalas.
brakuje przecinka przed podmiotem i wokol zdania opisujacego venice. w drugim zdaniu raczjep owinien byc przed as
Your malevolence is far beyond my comprehension. Even if someone makes use of some websities or dictionaries you should give your advice and not reply out of spite. If you don't want to help, don't reply at all and in this way you won't hurt anybody.
My dear,
Don't even think that you have the right to even reply to me. You are what I call a 'THIEF'. This is not making use of some internet pages, this is CUT and PASTE.
Don 't bother to reply - because believe me, my English is far superior to yours and I know some expressions which as yet, you haven't even dreamt of - so, be a good little girl and shut up.!
And I don't give a xxxx whether I hurt you or not - you have taken a text from a webside and pretended it's yours. It is NOT.
everyone has the right to reply to everyone else.
now it is your turn to prove that she has copied all her sentences from a source.
hmm, I wonder why you are so touchy because I haven't accused you of lack of knowledge, I know, I'm not a very creative person and when I have an opportunity to make use of sth I do it. So calm down, there is no need to be touchy.
If you really want to know my own words starts at this point: is considered to be one of the most romantic places in the world where idyllic landscapes and romance have co-existed in harmony from time immemorial. However, hardly anybody knows that
venice is also significant from a historical point of view as it is believed to be a birthplace of Renaissance.

The first sentence in the original sounds: Venice has been incessantly photographed and so on..
I rewrote this sentence but I hate commas so I asked you for help and...never mind
didn't I give you advice?
You mg gave me, thank you.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


English only