I am writing in connection with 'on' (zle slowo, tutaj ma byc AN) advertisement 'into' (cos nioe rozumiem o co chodzi) 'propert' (ortog) 'estete' (ortog). 'Interesting me' (nie, nie task, zacznij I am interested in..... A detached house together with 'equipment' (zle slowo) in Britain, 'who' WHICH I 'find' (czas przeszly) 'on' IN you advertisement. There 'is' (ale przeciez 'things' to l. mnnoiga, dostosuj czas. do l. mn) a few things
that I want to ask YOU about. In what neighbourhood is 'located house' (tutaj zle...the house located? I would like to find out what 'is area this house from communication city' (nawet nie wiem jak to przeczytac, prosze sprawdz jeszcze raz) ? Are there aNY shops or boutiqueS 'nearabout' (wystarczy nearby)? Does the flat have central heating and a cooker in (tu cos brakuje) kitchen? I am especially interested in (tu cos brakuje) home with (tu cos brakuje) garage and (tu cos brakuje) garden? How (tu cos brakuje) floorS 'have this house' (to jest przekrecone...nie wiem jak ty nawet myslisz...does this house have? How 'highs' (nie, nie tak, HIGH) is the rent? How 'sun-drenched' (nie rozumiem o co chodzi) is (tu cos brakuje) house? Another question is the 'around' (zle slowo) (tu cos brakuje) ballpark and 'engime' (ortog i nie wiem o co chodzi) room? 'Is' (ale 'objects to l. mnoga) there 'a' (niepotr) culture objects in (tu cos brakuje) area theaters, cinemas or 'aperas' (ortog)?
Finally, 'is if animals are allowed' (znowu krecisz tymi slowami, ...are animals allowed)?