Pytania i przeczenia.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dziewięć pytań, do każdego mam napisać pytanie i przeczenie. Mogę prosić i sprawdzenie? Mam spore wątpliwości, zwłaszcza jeśli chodzi o zdania przeczące.

1. They always cook delicious dinners for their children.
- Do they always cook...
- They don't always cook...

2. People often drink black coffee for breakfast.
- Do people often drink...
- People don't often drink...

3. She usually buys funny hats.
- Does she usually buy...
- She doesn't usualy buy...

4. My brother sometimes goes out with his friends.
- Does my brother sometimes go...
- My brother doesn't sometimes go...

5. Black cats often bring bad luck.
- Do black cats often bring...
- Black cats don't often bring...

6. You often think about your future plans?
- Do you often think...
- You don't often think...

7. I often know what to do when I have a problem.
- Do I often know what...
- I don't often knowo...

8. Susan goes to the museum on Sundays.
- Does Susan go to the...
- Susan doesn't go to the...

9. He plays tennis with his brother every Friday.
- Does he play tennis...
- He doesn't play tennis...
przeczenie od "always" is NEVER.
ale nie uzyjemy never, jezeli w zdaniu jest inne zaprzeczenie, tylko powiemy 'they never go..'
Te zdania sa ok.
Mozliwe, ale w pierwszym, ja bym napisal:
They never cook ...
I don't often know..., You don't often think... i My brother doesn't sometimes go... też jest dobrze?

ktoś mi tłumaczył, że often i sometimes w takich przypadkach powinno znaleźć się na końcu zdania. nie mam pewności...
I tend to agree with Aaric but if changing from an affirmative to a question, simply involves placing "do" before a subject and when changing to a negative form, "do not" before the infinite of the verb, then mg's statement is correct and so are the answers.
zadaniem bylo stworzenie zdan przeczacych i przeczacych do podanych zdan twierdzacych, a nie zmiane ich znaczenia

>1. They always cook delicious dinners for their children.
>- Do they always cook...
>- They don't always cook...

'They don't always cook' nigdy nie bedzie oznaczalo 'They never cook' (w j. polskim rowniez nie)
stad stwierdzenie mg, ze zdania sa okay jest tutaj najwlasciwsze
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia