Bardzo proszę o pomoc w sprawdzeniu trzech zadań:)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam do sprawdzenia 3 zadania, jest mało do sprawdzenia, bo tylko pojedyncze słówka, więc nie przerażajcie się objętością. Z góry bardzo dziękuję:)
1.Należało wstawić słówka.(Moje odp. zaznaczone Caps Lockiem)
1.Stop shouting, WILL you.
2.COULD you mind closing the door please?
3.I don't think Tony's particulary fond OF classical music.
4.I've got a .. headache.
5.Ian hasn't TO from the shock yet.
6. My brother's a very SOCIABLE person, he likes going to parties.
7. Tom should have BE more careful.
8.My computer HAS to be serviced so I took it to the computer repair shop.
9. WOULD it be ok if i left at 12:00?
10. Let's order a takeaway, WILL we?
11.Why is Susan limping? Has she SPRAINED her ankle?
12.How old WILL she be next month?
13. I needn't TO gone supermarket. Fred had already done the shopping.
14.How many times a day should we CLEAN our teeth?
15.Passengers MUST/HAVE TO remain seated during take-off.
16.Peple who travel by boat or aeroplane for the first time may suffer from TRAVEL sickness.
17. My back ...?... when I sit still for a long time. Do you think I should see a doctor?
18. When is Professor Brown ...? publish his new book?
19. We needn't TO stayed up late last night, the film wasn't on.
20.John's got a RUNNY nose and he's sneezing.

2. Należy wybrać A,B,C. (Moje odp. zaznaczone Caps Lockiem)
1.Although I had no ... of going to bed late, I did because there was a great film on TV last night.
A. purpose B. INTENTION C.plan
2. If you always exepct the best, than you're definitely a(n) ... person.
A. reliable B. AMBITIOUS c. optimistic
3. She ... to have apologised for her behaviour.
A.ought B.could C. MIGHT
4.If you have stomach ache, then you may have ...
A. hay fever B. INDIGESTION c. insomnia
5.I prefer playing football ... playing squash.
A.THAN B. from C. to
6. You have some free time, ... you?
A.don't B. haven't C. do
7.He have a nasty ... on his leg after he fell of the ladder.
A. ache B.BRUISE C. pain
8.... you like me to help you with your homework?
A.COULD B. may C. would
9.I do not trust people who go back on their...
A. WORD B. promise C. talk
10. I'm a better cook than Tom, ...?!
A. am B. aren't C. AM NOT

3.Uzupełnić krótki dialog:
1. A:Doctor Sanders' Office. COULD I HELP YOU?
B: Yes, I'd like to make an appointment to see the doctor?
B:I've got a fever.
3. A: I can't sleep.
B: If I WERE YOU, I'd go to the doctor.
4.A:WOULD YOU.......???...... (i co dalej?)
B: Yes, a cup of tea would be lovely?
5.A; ......???......
B: No, I' m not very fond canoeing. I prefer hiking.

Dzięuję za sprawdzenie:D


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