
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
It was charming july morning, when I has strolled along street. I was thinking about my future – I decided to go to the university and change my hairdo. Then I saw my aunt – she asked me to help her with her children. She said that she have to see about something in city for uncle. I agreed and dashed into her house.
First thing I saw were My rude cousines - Max and Tom, who are playing football in their garden. And then suddenly Max knock over and started screaming
I come to him and i saw that he has broken his leg! It was a terrible view. I was so scared but, I quickly called to the hospital. A nurse told me that ambulanse is comming. My cousin was screaming very loud and I was trembling.
Then doctor arrived, taken up Max and laid down into a ambulance.
I glanced at Tom – he was so scaried! Besides for all this time I was thinking about my aunt and what she do when I told her what was happened.
Finally, my aunt came back to home. She asked me - "So.. Monica, how your's day with cousin's??"

I didn't know how to said her the truth... but i knew that i must.

"Aunt... I have something to tell you. Max... Max had a terrible accident... He has broke his leg.." – I whispered.
- Oh Darling! But how? When? Oh Dear God! How it was happened? – she almost cry.
-Aunt… I’m so sorry.. Boys were playing football and max knocked over.. It was a moment..’
Suddenly, the telephone started ringing, it was a doctor calling.
"Hello, Mrs Brown? I must did a surgery to your's son" he said.
it was all like a bad dream…


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