proszę o poprawienie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Polish evening!!!
We are inviting to the evening devoted to the Polish culture.Polish has the very rich culinary culture.At the meeting culinary workshops will be found it will be possible to try various delicacies.Apart from that little of the information from history Polish at the end competition with interesting awards andshared auting to the club.The meeting will be held at hour 16-00 in a registered office of the hotel Dorgsy 20-th of may.We are inviting all interested attractions won`t be missing
We thank for reading!!!
może ktoś mi to poprawić dość pilne
We are inviting (kogo? czego? musisz napisac) to 'the' (zle przedimek) evening devoted to the Polish culture.Polish has 'the' (popraw) very rich culinary culture. At the meeting culinary workshops will be 'found' (daj inne slowo) it will be possible to try various delicacies. Apart from 'that little of the information' (co to jest? nie moge tego rozszyfrowac) from (tu cos brakuje)history Polish at the end (czego? - musisz napisac)(tu brakuje pare slow) competition with interesting awards and shared 'auting' (nie znam tego slowa) to the club.The meeting will be held 'at hour 16-00' (napisz to poprawnie, bo ...) in a registered office of the hotel Dorgsy(tu brakuje 2 slowa) '20-th of may' (a dlaczego miesiac nie jest z duza litera? .
We are inviting all interested attractions won`t be missing. (tego zdania nie rozumiem)
We thank (ale komu? musisz napisac) for reading!!! (i dlaczego krzyczysz????)


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