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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 33
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Hi Mike!
How are you? Yesterday in the afternoon I played a special art: “Moskwa” with my the best friends. We played “Moskwa” on Saturday at 18 o clock pm in my school.
This presentation was played for a teacher on our a school. We met on every Saturday after the school and we played whole acts. I was a charming man who loved a lot of woman. While we started a first act: Ala – my girl forgot its a role. Suddenly I helped him. A spectators were funny. A money of the tickets will be transfer for the children’s home in Warsaw.
See you later. Xyz
with my best friends* our school*...While we started the first act*...Ala - my girlfriend forgot that it was a role*...a lot of women*...The spectators were funny*...Money of the tickets?* will be trasnferred.

Nie jestem pewny, ale ja bym tak napisał.
actually it's when we started*
I played a special role of the act...*
We met on every Saturday after the school and played the whole roles.*
When we started the first act, my girlfriend called Ala forgot her role (zależy o co tobie tutaj chodzi) and I had to help her suddenly. The spectators were funny (Indefinite article nie może być w tym wypadku użyty ponieważ jest liczba mnoga -> spectators). The money raised from selling the tickets will be sent to Children's home in Warsaw.
pewnie: the spectators were amused
Poprawiałem błędy które rzucały się w oczy. W każdym bądź razie, patrząc na sens całego tekstu to rzeczywiście "the spectators were amused" bo dlaczego mieli by być zabawni funny)?
>We met on every Saturday after the school and played the whole

a tutaj jeszcze trzeba troche popoprawiac
>Poprawiałem błędy które rzucały się w oczy.

hej, nie musisz się tłumaczyć. to normalne, że czasem coś się przeoczy

act?? huh?

tutaj tez przydalo by sie troche wiecej popracowac
ahhh, I played a special role during the presentation.

Engee30, nie wiem, nie koncentrowałem się na pojedynczych słowach, ale teraz po przeczytaniu tego jeszcze raz, zauważyłem błędy. "We met on every Saturday after the school and played all the roles".
ocet, zobacz:

"We met on every Saturday ... - jak masz 'every + rzeczownik odnoszacy sie do okreslenia czasu', to przyimek 'on' NIE JEST UZYWANY

after the school ... - jezeli mowisz 'po szkole' (czyli po zajeciach lekcyjnych) to wowczas 'school' wystepuje bez przedimka okreslonego 'the'; 'the' uzywasz w znaczeniach fizycznych, ze tak powiem, np.: 'za szkola' (behind the school), 'przed szkola' (in front of the school), etc.

and played all the roles"

oh well, i dunno what 2 say about this but yeh you're right...just been a little bit annoyed and my english got worse temporarily. Thanks for correcting me mate, anyway. I'll try to be more careful when correcting other people in order to avoid being corrected by you.

"in order to avoid being corrected by you"

engee, you inspire us all in your own way


ide na kawe
>ide na kawe

ja też :D
≫engee, you inspire us all in your own way ::)

In my case it’s the way a sprightly ninety-year-old couple does when answering a call of nature (which is roughly equivalent to ‘struck me down with my belly pot twitching with amusement :)
Because of my friend engee, I always feel better.
(don’t read between the lines, engee:))
>>and played all the roles"

I must've missed it. How many times do you play a role in one play ? Probably once. Let me improve on this then.
So, they were meeting on every Saturday after school .. maybe ‘ to rehearse all the scenes ‘ ? The proceeds from the play will go to a children’s home.
Sounds better ?
cut "on" of course
my "boys" are back safe and sound (happy dance)
then left again(damn hockey game) :(
hey sav,

yeh, that sounds better. My statements just didn't add up.
Glad to hear everything is fine. Finally settled down after the trip?
Everything is just fine, buddy :)
Mother's Day just got a whole lot better ::))
I'm doing fine...I'll fill in all the details in an email later this week.
Absolutely. Actually, I was to ask you about the scoop of your gabfest with eva but didn't want to be an old busybody:)
I know you're a not-so-old busybody!
Lots of good food, great conversation and martinis!!
Can you say "cougars" lol
I'll fill you in Sav, I promise
≫and martinis!!

Oh yeah, Is a frog’s ass waterproof? :))
Knowing you two, it wouldn’t surprise me if Wiser’s was involved. Though again, you wouldn’t run a risk of getting done for DUI, I guess.
It was rather a long drive home...
but I could have easily gone for a third/fourth
I did tell Ewa that despite your teetotaller ways, you still manage to be excellent company.

BTW, can/do you fix things around the house?
You two very naughty cougars :)
Teetotaler ? Hey, I’ve been on the wagon since I was knee high :)
And of course I’m doing pretty well with all that "fixing" stuff. The question is : Do I want to do it ?
Big sigh of relief...wheeew
a real man

balam sie ze jestes "ciapa"
No, no, no , not jellyfish :) But I like to be too busy with myself sometimes:)
Unfortunately, still hopping :( Hope to jump on my "lovely micro-processor babe" soon.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 33
poprzednia |


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