sprawdzenie blędów

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
In contemporary world, people strive to achieve the greatest career and the highest salary. People spend planty of time at work, they are workaholics. I think that workoholism is a modern disease.
Firstly, people aren’t satisfied with success achieved and they want to aspire higher and higher. They sacrifice all their spare time on work. They neglect family and friends. They have no time for holiday, relax, meeting friends and family.
Secondly, continuous striving to achieve career causes that people are nervous, impolite. They aren’t experiencing love and sensitivity.
What is more, continuous „being on the run” causes that they don’t notice what is happening next to them and in the world. People are thinking only about themselves and they are quickly becoming egoists. They don’t take care of their health. Often disease causes that they reflect on their life.
In the other hand career and money are giving them posibility living high off the hog. People can realize their dreams. They can lead the quiet life.
In my opinion workoholism is dangerous for contemporary word, although it has positive aspects.
People spend 'planty' (jedyne 'Planty' ktore ja znam to sa w Krakowie - popraw to slowo) of time at work, they are workaholics.
Firstly, people 'aren't' (nie uzywajh tego dziwactwa - napisz to poprawnie) satisfied with (tu brakuje slowa) success achieved and they want to aspire higher and higher (ale 'towards czego? nieba? ksiezyca? napisz dokladnie)
They have no time for holiday, 'relax' (czy uzywasz to slowo jako rzecz. czy czas - pomysl), meeting friends and family.
Secondly, continuous striving to achieve (brakuje slowa) career 'causes' (zle slowo, daj tutaj 'results in people becoming') 'that' (niepotr) 'people' (niepotr) 'are' (niepotr) nervous AND impolite. They 'aren't' (popraw bo to mnie juz zaczyna razic) experiencing love and sensitivity.
What is more, continuous "being on the run" (nazywamy to 'being in a rat race')'causes that they' (niezgrabne -popraw) don't notice what is happening 'next' (lepiej 'around them') 'to' (niepotr) them and in the world. People 'are thinking' THINK only about themselves and they are quickly becoming egoists.
IT IS often ONLY disease THAT causes 'that they' THEM TO reflect on their life.
In the other hand career and money 'are giving' GIVE them (przedimek) posibility (tu brakuje slowa) living 'high off the hog' (nawet tego nie rozumiem).
In my opinion workoholism is dangerous for contemporary 'word' (slowo? popraw),
although (in general) it has positive aspects.


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