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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1podziękuj za list i nadesłane zdjecia
2.polecisz hotel lub pensjonat podajac jego nazwe i połozenie,
3. napiszesz dlaczego jest to miejsce godne polecenia podajac 2 argumenty,
4. zapytaj kiedy kolezanka chciałaby przyjechac do Polski i jakim srodkiem lokomocji

Dear Alice,
Thanks for your letter and photos. It was great to see you and your family. Your hair-style is fantastic!
Properly I am writing to recommend you the Varia hotel where I was last week. It's beautiful place. This hotel is situated in the centre of Działdowo, only 50 kilometres away from my village.
I think that this hotel is very exclusive. The hotel has 200 rooms, including rooms for guests, restaurant and SPA. All rooms have telephones, Internet connection, private bathrooms and TVs. If you want eat delicious meal you can go to restaurant or stay in your room. They have realy nice service. It's perfect place for relax. There are swimming - pool, sauna, jacuzzi and massage.
In your last letter you wrote about travel to my country. When would you like to visit Poland and what kind of transport?
That's all for now. Please write soon.
Loads of love ,
'Properly' (zle slowo, napisz tutaj Really,) I am writing to recommend you the Varia hotel where I 'was' STAYED last week.
If you want TO eat (brakuje przedimka) delicious meal you can go to (brakuje przedimka) restaurant or stay in your room. They have (brakuje przedimka) realy nice service. It's (brakuje przedimka) perfect place for relaxATION (albo relax).
There are A swimming - pool, sauna, jacuzzi and massage (tutaj cos brakuje, ale jak napiszemy 'service' to ktos pomysli cos innego).
In your last letter you wrote about travelLING to my country. When would
you like to visit Poland and BY what kind of transport?
..recommend __ you ..
terri przeoczyla pare bledow:

They have (brakuje przedimka) [realy..orto] nice service. [nie bardzo wiem o co chodzie, czy chodzi o hotel/guest serviceS czy facilities?

Ja bym to tak napisala:
They have [realy..orto] nice guest/hotel services (albo facilities). They include a swimming pool, itd
Dziękuję bardzo o pomoc. Pominę zdanie o obsłudze hotelowej. jeszcze tylko czy zdanie "there are a swimming-pool, sauna..." jest gramatycznie poprawne ?
Może będzie lepiej jeżeli napiszę: You can find there a swimming-pool ,sauna, jacuzzi and massage. ?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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