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Dear Michael,
How are you? I hope you're well. I'm sorry that I haven't written . I was on a school sport competition 2 weeks ago. It was fanstastic. There were people from Poland and England. All of them were teenagers. They were propably about 18-20 old. I took part in two competitions: soccer and volleyball. In the first of them won a team from Poland. In the second won a team from England. It was fantastic. Everyone was nice. It was realy jazzy. Atmosphere was a little bit nervous.
best wishes
Cytat: monika3246
Dear Michael,
How are you? I hope you're well. I'm sorry that I haven't written for so long. I was on a school sport competition two weeks ago. It was fanstastic!

There were people from Poland and England. All of them were teenagers. They were propably about 18-20 years old. I took part in two competitions: soccer and volleyball. The first of them was won by the Polish team. The second one,on the other hand , was won by the team from England. It was great.->you've already said it was fantastic.

Everyone was nice and friendly. It was a great opportunity to speak English with the native speakers as well (co to za slowo, jazzy...?!). Atmosphere was a little bit nervous though. (troche za krotko ucielas ten list, powinnas zapytac co u tej osoby slychac i zadac jakies pytania.)

best wishes

Poza pytaniami grzecznosciowymi powinnas takze pisac paragrafami, latwiej czyta sie odbiorcy, sprawdzajacymi i tak wlasnie wszystkie teksty pisane sa w Anglii. Pozdrawiam,
