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That was yesterday at five p.m. I was cleaned my room while I saw stranger man next to my house. He was wear black jacket, blue jeans, and black hat. He smoked during black van drived aroung him. 5 minutes later I saw old woman. She went behing him when Suddenly he picked up gun from his pocket and throw old woman to those van. I called police when my mum run to street. I couldn't belived in what I saw. Around seven p.m. I heard in TV that this man was cryminalist. He escaped from prison in Christmas, when guards celebritions Christus Birthday, but near 21p.m police cautched him and safed old woman. She was cooked them great muffins for help as grandmothers.
It happened yesterday at 5 in the afternoon, I was cleaning my room when I saw a strange man standing outside of my house. He was wearing a black jacket, blue jeans and a black hat. He was having a cigarette while a black van pulled up behind him. Five minutes later, I saw an old woman. She walked past him when suddenly he took a gun out of his pocket and threw the woman into the van. I called the police whilst my mum ran out onto the street. I couldn't believe what I'd just seen. Around 7 p.m. I heard on the news that the man I saw was a criminal, who escaped from prison at Christmas, when guards were busy celebrating. Around 9 in the evening, the police caught the man and rescued the old woman to safety. She baked them muffins as a gesture of gratitude.

Moze tak? :)


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie

