Nie czekam bezczynnie na wasza pomoc i sama sprobowalam zrobic te zdania. Jezeli ktos by mogl rzucic fachowym okiem i poprawic ewentualne bledy - dziekuje.
1. The German general cargo vessel has just left the port. (proste tlum.)
Has the German general cargo vessel left the port yet? (pyt.)
The German general cargo vessel has been just left the port. (strona bierna)
2. Captain orders viands and water every month. (proste tlum.)
Does captain order viands and water every month? (pyt.)
Viands and water are ordered by captain every month. (strona bierna)
3. The Greek sailing ship is loading commodity now. (proste tlum.)
Is the Greek sailing ship loading commodity now? (pyt.)
Commodity is being loading on the Greek sailing ship now. (strona bierna)
4. We called at Gdynia 7 times last year. (proste tlum.)
How many times did we call at Gdynia last year? (pyt.)
We were called at Gdynia 7 times last year. (strona bierna)
5. The ship was sailing from Gdynia to Kilonia for 10 days. (proste tlum.)
Was the ship sailing from Gdynia to Kilonia for 10 days? (pyt.)
The ship was being sailed from Gdynia to Kilonia for 10 days. (strona bierna)