Religion is a smoke screen which prevents ppl from attending to real problem

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Nowadays we are surrounded by a lot of different cultures. All of this cultures see religion in other way. For one of them it's an accesion to life for another is the most important thing. Religion divert zealots in their communion from real and very important problems e.g. famine, epidemics, science or even education. Their attention focus on pseudo-problems connectes with spiritual life. But that kind of problem don't have any solution. Im talking among other thing about islam religion, where the most important is Allah and everything connected with him To Muslims don't signily career or family life. They pray 5 times per day with face oriented to Mekka, crawfish ramadan means fast, charity or pregrinations to Mekka. This is priorities for them. They can expend life for Allah. There's no problem to die in bomb-coat in shopping center or hijack and kill not olny theirself but a thousands of innocent people without compunctions. Countries where dominant religion is islam don't develop - there's almost no schools, city centers or even well built houses. They approciate for education few. Mostly in schools are teach islam's rules. Zaelots easly make an agreements. They're able to critic others witout any reason and think that tey'ra the most clever. Of course no ona can stand up to them. They blame other for all problems. There's no equality of rights which can we perceive in another countries.

czy jest osoba, która mogłaby mi to sprawdzić ( tj. poprawność językowa, stylistyczną, gramtyczną) jak najszybciej ? proszę ! dziękuję !
All of 'this' (dlaczego dajesz l. poj tego slowa, a pozniej uzywasz rzeczownik l. mnogiej?) cultures see religion in 'other' (zle slowo - tutaj different) way. For one of them it's an 'accesion to life' (to jest noezrozumiane) for another is the most important thing. Religion 'divert' (a dlaczego nie uzywasz czas 3os.l.poj?) zealots in their communion from real and very important problems e.g. famine, epidemics, science or even education. Their attention 'focus' (zly czas) on pseudo-problems 'connecte' (zle slowo) with spiritual life. But that kind of problem 'don't' (napisz to w calosci i nie uzywaj jakichs przek. kolokwal) have any solution. 'Im' (popraw) talking among other 'thing' (tutaj ma byc l. mn) about 'islam' (DUZA litera na nazwy wlasne - dlaczego to musze przypominac?) religion, where the most important is Allah and everything connected with him To Muslims 'don't signily' (napisz to poprawnie) career or family life.
'This is' (znowu nie pojmujesz l. poj od l. mn) priorities for them. They can 'expend life' (napisz poprawnie) for Allah. There's no problem to die in' bomb-coat' (mnowimy suicide-bombing) in shopping center or hijack and kill not 'olny' (ortog - nie rob tego) 'theirself' (zle slowo) but' a' (niepotr) thousands of innocent people without 'compunctions' (zle slowo). Countries where (brak cos) dominant religion is 'islam' (popraw) 'don't' )popraw) develop - there's almost no schools, city centers or even well built houses. 'They approciate for education few' (co to jest - bo daleko do zdania?). Mostly in schools are' teach' (zla czesc mowy)' islam's' (popraw) rules. Zaelots 'easly' (ortog) make 'an agreements' (popraw i zacznij rozpoznawac l. poj od l. mn). They're able to 'critic' (zla czesc mowy) others witout any reason and think that 'tey'ra' (popraw) the most clever. Of course no 'ona' (popraw) can stand up to them. They blame 'other' (popraw) for all problems. There's no equality of rights which 'can we' (zla kol slow) perceive in another countries.


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