'In autumn for women are vary fashionable long coats' (napisz to inaczej...This autumn, long coats will be...i VERY) . The trendiest is the camel coat and 'coat in military style' (military style coat). They are 'universla' (ortog) and fit any 'styling' (zle slowo).
'Also, it's fashionable leather jacket'...to wg mnie nie jest zdaniem
It's even more useful 'then' (popraw, nie rob literowek, bo one naprawde wsciekaja, 'then' znaczy 'pozniej') (a gdzie przedimek) coat because 'it' (dlaczego wczesniej 'they' a pozniej 'it'-) retains heat. The hit (ale czego?) is (brak przedimka) Ramones jacket with fringes or belt on the hips. Fashionable 'colors' (colours in BrE) ale black, red, orange and brown. On cold days 'will test perfectly thick sweaters or warm cardigans' (tego nie rozumiem) . it's the perfect combination of style , comfort and warmth.
The most fashionable designs ale 'comouflage' (ortog ale i tak zle slowo) and flowers. They add charm, elegance 'of' (zle slowo) our styling. Skirts should be airy and colorful and starting high in the 'weist' (ortog) and ending 'behind' (i tutaj nie rozumiem czy one maja byc 'above' czy 'below' the knees) the knees or below the waist and ending 'behind' (to jest zle slowo) the ankles. Also, leather skirts are fashionable, they add 'the' (zle slowo) character to our person. The 'HANDbags' (ale Amerykanie mowia inaczej, na to co BrE mowia 'handbag' jak juz piszesz po w AmE to wszystko musi sie zgadzac) should be large with pockets in which you can have all (brak slowa) things like (cos brak) scarf, hat, sunglasses or (cos brak) wallet. This 'gab' (nie rozumiem tego slowa) is practical and convenient.
'Very fashionable is to wear colorful clothes' (daj to zdanie inaczej), because the designers say that it will improve our mood 'and' (po co to 'and' tutaj jest?, ale teraz widze, ze cos tu brakuje) every rainy day.
Bierzesz sie za teksty po polsku, ktore moze sa za troche trudne dla ciebie.