Mail po angielsku

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam, mam napisać mail do kolegi w anglii i nie rozumiem punktów, którem mam w nim zawrzeć.
"Write an email to another student in the class describing your current living situation. Include information about."
- the place
- who you live with
- how you foud it
- how you feel aout it

Może mi ktoś pomóc?
Ale czego nie rozumiesz?
Masz opisać swoją aktualną sytuację mieszkaniową (current living situation).
- miejsce zamieszkania
- z kim mieszkasz
- jak mieszkanie znalazłeś
- twoje odczucia związane z miejscem zamieszkania i współmieszkańcami (czy ci się podoba czy nie i dlaczego)
Proszę o sprawdzenie.

Hi Tom.
Thanks for your letter, that I got two days ago. I recently moved into a room in a new large apartment on the second floor. I found them in an advertisement on internet. I live them with my old friends from school. I feel very comfortable here, the atmosphere is great, because I live with people witch know for a long time.
Yours faithfully
Cytat: marcin2x
Proszę o sprawdzenie.

Hi Tom.
Thanks for your letter, that I got two days ago. I recently moved into a room in a new large apartment on the second floor. I found them in an advertisement on internet. I live them with my old friends from school. I feel very comfortable here, the atmosphere is great, because I live with people witch know for a long time.
Yours faithfully

Tak, translatorek :) ale jakieś ewentualne wskazówki co jest źle?
korzystanie z translatorka jest złe.
To jak mam napisać taki mail?
Napisałem samemu tyle ile potrafie.

Hi Tom.
Thanks for your letter that I got two weeks ago. I’m sorry that I haven’t replied to your letter a bit earlier but I’ve had much work. I want to tell you so much.
Recently, I move in to own room in a new large flat on the second floor. The whole address is English Street xx. I found it in newspaper advertisement. Now, I live together with my old friends from school. I feel very comfortable in my new flat, the atmosphere is great, because I live with people whose know for a long time.
Yours faithfully

Zapewne czasy się nie zgadzają, proszę o poprawę, co jest żle.
Hi Tom.
Thanks for your letter that I got two weeks ago. I’m sorry that I haven’t replied to your letter a bit earlier but I’ve had much work. I want to tell you so much.
Recently, I HAVE moveD in to (albo INTO) MY own room in a 'new large' LARGE NEW flat on the second floor. The 'whole' COMPLETE address is English Street xx. I found it in (przedimek) newspaper advertisement. Now, I live together with my old friends from school. I feel very comfortable in my new flat, the atmosphere is great, because I live with people 'whose' (inne slowo + podmiot) 'know' (Present Perfect bo for...) for a long time.
Yours faithfully

Powiem Ci, ze napisales to 100 razy lepiej od tego, co Ci ten translator wyplul. Niezle:-) Bardzo przyzwoicie.

For anyone who may not know the difference between 'yours faithfully' and 'yours sincerely'.

When you start a letter with 'dear x' or 'hi x', please use 'yours sincerely'= znasz osobe osobiscie
When you start a letter with 'dear Sir od Madam' use 'yours faithfully' = nie znasz osobiscie; w kazdym badz razie nie jestescie po imieniu; np. pisząc do instytucji.

Takze 'yours sincerely' tutaj powinno zostac uzyte.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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