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At the begin I d like to say thank you from you last letter It's nice that you are not forget me.
It's said to hear from you that Bob and you are not well.
When I read You letter I've been craying. I never realise that i will be miss so much.
You and Bobby are wonderful people and it was said to leave you. I will hope visit you one day. Sometimes i think to back in uk . In Poland everythinks are difficult than Uk and the weather is terrible. This winter was so cold. Today is 8 th in April and i have still snow in my garden.
I'M very bussy becaus every day after school i work in restaurant and also I'm planning a wedding.
I passed my exams with good results. I have next exams in July its last and than 2 months break.
In September i will start second class.
The study will take my 3 years and than i will receive degree obviously I must pass all exams before.
In 23 November I'm getting married. I met my fiance David obout 5 years ago in UK we were good friends before he asked me married. He loves me and he's looking after me.
At the 'begin' (zle slowo) I'd like to say thank you 'from' (zle slowo) you last letter It's nice that you 'are' (zle slowo) not forget me.
'It's said' (calkowicie zle, to co napisales to jest...Jest mowione, ze) to hear from you that Bob and you are not well.
When I read 'You' (dlaczego duza litera?) letter 'I've been 'craying' (ortog)' (to jest zly czas). I never 'realise' (czas przeszly) that 'i' (daj duza litere, bo w jez. ang. 'I' jest ZAWSZE duza litera) will 'be' (niepotr) miss (kogo? czego?) so much.
You and Bobby are wonderful people and it was 'said' (dlaczego piszesz 'said'?) to leave you. I 'will' (niepotr) hope (cos brak) visit you one day. Sometimes 'i' (popraw) think 'to back in uk' (popraw) . In Poland 'everythinks' (co to za slowo?) 'are' (l. poj) difficult than (brak 2 slowa)Uk and the weather is terrible.
Today is 8th 'in' (zle slowo) April and 'i' (dlaczego NIKT Cie nie nauczyl, ze 'I' piszemy duza litera?) 'have still' (zla kol slow) snow in my garden.
I'M very 'bussy' (ortog) 'becaus' (ortog) every day after school 'i' (popraw) work in (cos brak) restaurant and 'also I'm' (zla kol slow) (cos brak) planning a wedding.
I have next exams in July 'its last and than' (popraw) (cos brak) 2 months break.
In September 'i ' (popraw) will start second 'class' (nie, daj 'year').
The study will take 'my' (zle slowo) 3 years and 'than' (zle slowo) 'i' (popraw) will receive (cos brak) degree obviously I must pass all exams before THEN.
'In' (zle slowo) 23 November I'm getting married. I met my fiance David 'obout ' (ortog)5 years ago in UK AND we were good friends before he asked me 'married' (to jest zle, marry me). He loves me and he's looking after me.
At the begining I'd like to say thank you for you last letter .It's nice that you not forget me.
It was sad to hear from you that Bob and you are not well.
When I read you letter realised that I will miss you so much.
You and Bobby are wonderful people and it was sad to leave you. I hope to visit you one day. Sometimes I think back to UK. In Poland live is more difficult then UK. The weather is terrible here. Today is 8th on April and I have snow in my garden still.
I'M very busy because every day after school I work in the restaurant and I'm also planning a wedding.
I have next exams in July it's the last and after that I will have 2 months break.
On September I will start second(
The study will take me 3 years and then I will receive (cos brak) degree obviously I must pass all exams before then.
On 23 November I'm getting married. I met my fiance David about 5 years ago in UK and we were good friends before he asked to marry me. He loves me and he's looking after me.
Mi sie zdaje ze cos nie tak z konstrukcją before he asked to marry me
...thank you for you last letter.
In Poland live is more difficult then UK.
...I have snow in my garden still.
I have next exams in July it's the last and after that I will have 2 months break. Dlaczego nie: I have my last exams in... /i nie zapomnij o przedimku gdzies tam przed break/.
Mozliwe ze sa inne bledy.


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