rapid development of modern therapeutic methods and the lot of research into their effectiveness achieves better results physiotherapists working with patients. Unfortunately, the low social awareness, too little amount of information in the media about physiotherapy, and outdated methods of treatment funded by the National Health Fund make patients as the primary and most common method of treating believe massage. The massage is a good method of treatment of the soft tissues. The massage gets rid of many of the problems relating to the muscles, ligaments, fascia, or connective tissue by improving blood flow and, therefore, its better nutrition.but Massage , is not the best methods for all ailments. beseides the massage worth paying attention to another therapeutic methods used in the treatment of patients with diseases .one of popular therapeutic methods are manual therapy. Manual therapy is often mistakenly equated with chiropractic, but in contrast to manual therapy she has no medical knowledge sources. Manual therapy can treat both peripheral joints and spine. Before taking therapy physiotherapist interviews, then audit the quality of movement, range of motion in the joints, biomechanics, and other such factors. During treatment, are used many techniques for mobilization . Soft tissue therapy involves the removal of the tension dysfunction and myofascial.First therapist take therapies and next talk with patient and do functional research, as well as an assessment of myofascial system. Each of these therapeutic methods must be preceded by the test, and subsequently selected for the patient.methods there I talk abouare only a small percentage of well-known and available therapeutic methods used by physiotherapists. Unfortunately, the National Health Fund ignores new studies that show the high efficiency of these methods. I think this is one of the reasons for the physiotherapist currently waiting up to a year. It's a myth that needs to be long-term rehabilitation besause the way-above all is to be effective.
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