t łumaczenie streszczenia

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam do przetłumaczenia na język angielski streszczenie pracy magisterskiej. Z góry bardzo dziękuję za pomoc.

Celem pracy było porównanie przebiegu ciąży i zdrowia kobiet, w zależności od wieku zajścia w pierwszą ciążę. Badane były kobiety w wieku menopauzalnym, w dwóch kategoriach wieku zajścia w pierwszą ciążę: przed lub po ukończeniu 30 lat. Przebieg ciąży był oceniany na podstawie informacji dotyczących samopoczucia w poszczególnych trymestrach, ewentualnych nieprawidłowości, które wystąpiły w ciąży i długości ciąży. Zdrowie kobiet było oceniane na podstawie informacji o tym czy od momentu urodzenia pierwszego dziecka do chwili badania wystąpiły choroby układu rozrodczego lub piersi.
Na podstawie anonimowej ankiety zbadano 106 kobiet w wieku od 45 do 72 lat które mają dzieci.
Kobiety, które w pierwszą ciążę zachodzą przed 30. rokiem życia częściej deklarują dobre samopoczucie i występuje u nich mniej komplikacji związanych z ciążą i porodem. U kobiet, które nie zgłaszały nieprawidłowości w trakcie trwania ciąży w przyszłości rzadziej występowały choroby układu rozrodczego lub piersi. Kobiety, które po porodzie podjęły karmienie piersią i karmiły dłużej są mniej narażone na wystąpienie nowotworów piersi niż karmiące krótko. Nowotwory piersi częściej występują u kobiet, które pierwsze dziecko urodziły po 35. roku życia.
Na ogół nie udzielamy takiej pomocy. Spróbuj przełożyć własnymi siłami i może ktoś sprawdzi.
Zaczelam to czytac po polsku, ale to dla mnie, nawet po polsku nie jest dobrze napisane. Zdania nie sa latwe do czytania i zrozumienia. Drugie 'suppositions' ktore tutaj sa napisane nie maja poparcia w badaniach, a wszystko inne to przeciez ja sama, bez zadnych badan, moglabym powiedziec bo to wyglada tak, 'ze kazdy to wie'.
Za duzo slow po polsku, temat nie scisly. W treszczeniu nie podajemy od a-z tylko najwazniejsze punkty.
Cytat: terri
Drugie 'suppositions' ktore tutaj sa napisane nie maja poparcia w badaniach, a wszystko inne to przeciez ja sama, bez zadnych badan, moglabym powiedziec bo to wyglada tak, 'ze kazdy to wie'.

chodzi o drugi akapit? To są własnie wyniki badań i czasem jest tak, że badania potwierdzają - albo obalają - to, co 'każdy wie". Moim zdaniem to streszczenie jest ok. To jest praca magisterska, nie artykuł naukowy, wobec czego streszczenie wygląda inaczej niż w artykule.
Spróbowałam sama przetłumaczyć ten tekst więc proszę chociaż o pomoc w korekcie tego tłumaczenia.

The aim of the study was to compare pregnancy and health of women, depending on age at first pregnancy occurrence. Were studied menopausal women in two age categories becoming the first pregnancy: before or after completion of 30 years. Pregnancy was evaluated on the basis of information on well-being in different trimesters, possible irregularities in pregnancy and gestation length. Women's health was evaluated on the basis of information about whether the birth of the first child to the time of the study there were reproductive disorders or chest.
On the basis of an anonymous survey examined 106 women aged from 45 to 72 years who have children.
Women who become pregnant in the first place before 30 years of age often declare feeling good and they have a less complications related to pregnancy and childbirth. Women who reported no irregularities during pregnancy in the future less frequent reproductive disorders or chest. Women who have postpartum and breastfeeding have taken longer fed they are less at risk of developing breast cancer than breast-feeding shortly. Breast cancers are more common in women who have their first child born after 35 years
Masz racje, podeszlam troche za ostro do tego. Przepraszam.
The aim of the study was to compare pregnancy and health of women, depending on THE age OF 'at' (niepotr) THEIR first pregnancy. 'occurrence' (niepotr). 'Were studied menopausal women' (nie, tutaj trzeba biernie...Menopausal women were studied....) in two age categories 'becoming' (nie, tutaj jest zle, lepiej..DEPENDING ON WHETHER) the first pregnancy OCCURRED before or after 'completion' (niepotr) 'of' (nbiepotr) 30 years OF AGE. 'Pregnancy was evaluated' (nie sama ciaza, ale jej przebieg...Information about the well-being in different trimesters, possible irregularities in pregnancy and gestation length WAS ASCERTAINED. Women's health 'was evaluated on the basis of information' (to jest tutaj powtorka tego co bylo w poprzednim zdaniu, trzeba to inaczej ujac....chyba lepiej zmienic to poprzednie zdanie, jak zmienilam na 'ascertained.', to znaczy to zdanie zostawiamy jak jest, ) 'about' (nie, mozna 'which indicated ) whether the birth of the first child UP to the time of the study there were ANY reproductive disorders or 'chest' (nie, to nie jest wlasciwe slowo, mozna 'or breast anomalities). Powtorze to zdanie tutaj.....Womens health was evaluated on the basis of information which indicated whether the birth of the first child up to the time of the study PRODUCED any reproductive disorders or breast anomalities. (moze tak)
On the basis of an anonymous survey 'examined 106 women aged' (nie, daj to inaczej....106 women were examined ranging in age) from 45 to 72 years who have HAD children.
Women who becAme pregnant 'in the' (nie, to jest zle, FOR THE) first 'place' TIME) before 30 years of age often declareD feeling 'good' (lepiej jest 'well) and 'they' (niepotr) 'have a' (niepotr) (tutaj trzeba...experienced fewer) 'less' (zle slowo) complications related to pregnancy and childbirth. Women who reported no irregularities during pregnancy in the future HAD less frequent reproductive (dodaj tutaj 'OR BREAST) disorders. 'or chest' (niepotr). Women who 'have postpartum and breastfeeding have taken' (niepotr, wystarczy WHO BREASTFED) longer 'fed they' (niepotr) 'are' (ja bym dala WERE) less at risk of developing breast cancer than WOMEN WHO 'breast-feeding' BREASTFED 'shortly' (zle slowo, tutaj 'for shorter periods) . Breast cancers are more common in women who have their first child 'born' (niepotr, slowo 'have oznacza ze one urodzily) after BEING 35 years OF AGE.

Napisz to jeszcze raz z tymi poprawkami, i zobaczymy jak to sie czyta.
tekst z translatora.
Cytat: mg
tekst z translatora.

mysle, ze w wiekszosci tak, ale czulam sie musze choc troche poprawic. :-)
The aim of the study was to compare pregnancy and health of women, depending on the age of their first pregnancy. Menopausal women were studied in two age categories depending on whether the first pregnancy occurred before or after 30 years of age. Information about the well-being in different trimesters, possible irregularities in pregnancy and gestation length was ascertained. Womens health was evaluated on the basis of information which indicated whether the birth of the first child up to the time of the study produced any reproductive disorders or breast anomalities.
On the basis of an anonymous survey 106 women were examined ranging in age from 45 to 72 years who have had children.
Women who became pregnant for the first time before 30 years of age often declared feeling well and complications related to pregnancy and childbirth. Women who reported no irregularities during pregnancy in the future had less frequent reproductive or breast disorders. Women who breastfed longer were less at risk of developing breast cancer than women who breastfed for shorter periods . Breast cancers are more common in women who have their first child after being 35 years of age.
The aim of the study was 'to compare' (tutaj mozna napisac...was a comparison) OF pregnancy and health of women(, ) (nie rozumiem dlaczego tu jest przecinek) depending on the age of their first pregnancy.
Women who became pregnant for the first time before '30 years of age' (tutaj lepiej bedzie...before their 30th birthday) often declared feeling well and EXPERIENCED FEWER complications related to pregnancy and childbirth.

Teraz lepiej.
Dziękuję bardzo serdecznie za pomoc. Terri jesteś nieoceniona :)
Witam wszystkich,

pierwszy raz rozbiłam tłumaczenie tekstu. Czy mógłby ktoś rzucić okiem?

Dear Sir or Madam,

In response to the letter of the day………………about hotel reservation cancellation made on …………………… number ………………………….. I would like to inform you of the following.

First of all, the reservation is non-refundable and irrevocable. This is one of the essential and most relevant and important condition booking, which has been accepted by you during a booking. For this reason cancellations with the refund of fees is impossible.

Secondly, I would like to inform you that, the agreement concluded as a result of your order and booking is binding. For this reason, you don’t have the right withdraw from contracts.

Our services are provided on a rules of contract and the civil law, and for customer who is consumer Act On Consumer Right of 30 May 2014. ( Dz. U. of 2014 . pos. 827 ), which is transposition into Polish law of Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council 2011/83 / EU of 25 October 2011 on consumer rights (Acts . Office . EU. L No. 304 , p. 64 ). According to this document the right to withdraw from the contracts is also not entitled to. About the absence of renounce the contract, you was inform in the process of booking and before them by the message with explicit content “that reservation ( selected quotation ) cannot be revoked, changed or refunded, and your credit card will be charged immediately.” You approved this message and after then you received an email confirming a booking conditions. Please note that, you had chosen the special offer at a lowest price. The entitlement to renounce the contract in this case where the conclusion of the contract implies the setting aside of capacity which and the trader may find difficult to fill a specially in this case where reservations are made at hotels, is limited.

In response to your expectations, we propose to make a rebook the reservation for another person. We will accept that change, if they are meeting all the conditions of yours reservations. If that suits you, please let us know that. This could be done by email: [email] or telephone ………….. or personally by visit in our Hotel, within a ….. days period, before your reservation starts.

We hope to live up to your expectations. Please visit us again.
rzucilam okiem:

In response to 'the' (jak piszesz do kogos, to mozesz napisac 'your') letter of 'the day' (tego sie nie pisze, tutaj potrzebna jest data) about (tutaj potzeba przedimka) hotel reservation cancellation made on … number .. I would like to inform you of the following(.) (tutaj dwukropek ...:)

'First of all' (nie, to jest nieladnie, to tak wyglada dla mnie jakby nauczuciel mowil do 6cio letniego dziecka, zawsze lepiej operac sie na czyms konkretnym...np. As noted in our terms and conditions) the reservation is non-refundable and 'irrevocable' (nie wiem czy to jest potrzebe). This is one of the essential and most relevant and important condition OF ANY booking, which has been accepted by you during 'a' (nie zadne 'a', bo tutaj mowimy o konkretnym czyms, to ma byc THE) booking. For this reason ANY cancellations 'with the refund of' (nie, to nie jest tak, jak sie pisze, daj...refunding the) fees is impossible.

'Secondly' (znowu pani nauczycielka musi wyliczac...nie, lepiej bez tego) I would ALSO like to inform you that(,) (calkowicie nie rozumiem dlaczego tu jest przecinek) the agreement concluded as a result of your order and booking is binding. For this reason, you 'don’t have the right withdraw from contracts' (o yes you DO, having studied LAW, I can tell you that one party has the right...what would happen if they died the day before? - do you still expect them to come?) (Mozna to napisac inaczej... as a result of your order and the booking is legally binding)

Our services are provided 'on' (calkowicie zle slow, tutaj musi byc UNDER) 'a' (dlaczego dajesz przedimek przed l. mnoga - 'rules') THE Rules of contract and the Civil law, 'and for customer who is' (niepotr, i wyglada na margaryna maslana) AND THE Consumer Act 'On Consumer Right' (niepotr) of 30 May 2014. ( Dz. U. of 2014 . pos. 827 ), which' is transposition ' (tego nie jestem pewna) into Polish Law of Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council 2011/83 / EU of 25 October 2011 on consumer rights (Acts . Office . EU. L No. 304 , p. 64 ).
According to this document the right to withdraw from the contracts is also not entitled to. ...(to niestety nie jest zdaniem, nie wiem o co chodzi)
'About the absence of renounce the contract' (daj to w formie biernej....You ....informed...), 'you was' (CO? od kiedy, czy naprawde mam przypominac podstawy, I was, you WERE) informED (czas przeszly) in the process of booking and before 'them' (kogo? czego? nie wiem o czym mowa) by the message with explicit content “that reservation ( selected quotation ) cannot be revoked, changed or refunded(,) (prosze nie dawac tych przecinkow tak byle gdzie i nigdy przed 'and') and your credit card will be charged immediately.” You approved this message and 'after then' (nie, to jest za niskie, tutaj 'thereafter) you received an email confirming 'a' (nbie rozumiem dlaczego masz takie az problemy z tymi przedimkami....tutaj THE) booking conditions. Please note that(,) (znowu przecinek - nie wiem po co?) you had chosen the special offer at 'a' (tutaj mowimy o czym konkretnym, i wlasnie wtedy uzywa sie THE) lowest price. '
....,..The entitlement to renounce the contract in this case where the conclusion of the contract implies the setting aside of capacity which and the trader may find difficult to fill a specially in this case where reservations are made at hotels, is limited....(to zdanie jest pozyczone z innego zrodla - nie pasuje do reszty)

In response to your expectations, we propose to make a rebook' (tego to nie rozumiem, we propose rebooking) the reservation for another person. We will accept that change, if they 'are meeting' (nie wiem dlaczego to jest wystarczy MEET) all the conditions of 'yours' (dlaczego tu jest zle slowo...to nie jest zadne 'yours booking' tylko 'your booking - prosze poprawic) reservations. If that 'suits you' (nie, tutaj ...meets with your approval), (znowu ten przecinek, nie wiem dlaczego) please let us know. 'that' (calkowicie niepotr slowo).
This could be done by email: [email] or BY telephone XXX or 'personally by visit' (by a personal visit - tyle razy to sie widzi wszedzie i nikt nie zwraca na to uwagi) in our Hotel, within THE 'a' (niepotr) NEXT X days 'days period' (niepotr)(, znow niepotrzebny przecinek) before your reservation starts.

We hope to live up to your expectations. Please visit us 'again' (nie wiem, jak mozesz pisac 'again' jak widac, ze chciala zrezygnowac z pierwszej wizyty...cos tu nie tak).
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.