Verb + adjective

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
They all listened; and presently they heard the sound of some one running. Then the door flew open and he entered...
My question concerns bold words and I'd like to know how to translate verb + adjective combinations:
Wszyscy słuchali i niebawem usłyszeli głos kogoś biegnącego. Następnie drzwi otworzyły się i on wszedł...
If I translated "the door opened" instead of "the door flew open" I would translate it in the same way that is " drzwi się otworzyły" so what gives me the word "flew"?
The same problem is with sentence below:
He pushed the door open so everybody could see him. If this sentence were be: He opened the door so everybody could see him. I would translate it the same. So what gives me word "pushed"?
It seems to me you would understand me if I show you one more example. What is difference among these examples. These are orders:
Pull the door shut. and Shut the door.
Please explain it to me in detail or show me resource/webpage when I can read about it .... point of gramar
edytowany przez Mowic: 24 wrz 2015
1 fly open - open suddenly, tlumaczenie ok, albo: rozwarły się
2 otworzyl drzwi popchnięciem
3 zamknął drzwi przyciągnięciem itp.


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