
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Money isn't everything.Sometimes somebody can say "Yeah, money isn't everything but it's better to cry in the Mustang than on a bike ".Money is the God of that world. Everybody want have them. It's sad but true.They can buy a position but not respect.

For me the most important things in life are family, friends, health and hapiness. When we have money we can buy a lot of things but what if we will be sick? What we can do with our money? Definitely nothing.There are things which we can't buy :health,love,family
and many others.We don't know who is our really friends and who is fake. People become workaholism and In the meantime they lost time, sometimes childhood their children and trust.They move away from family.

To sum up money is important but not the most important.The people who have large sums of money sometimes are depressed and unhappy.People spend so much time earning money.
Money isn't everything.Sometimes somebody can say "Yeah, money isn't everything but it's better to cry in A Mustang than on a bike ".Money is the God of that TAMTEGO? world. Everybody want ZLA FORMA CZASOWNIKA I BRAK SLOWA have them W JAKIEJ LICZBIE JEST 'MONEY'?. It's sad but true.They ZNOWU can buy a position TO MOZE ZNACZYC 'STANOWISKO W PRACY', UZYJ LEPIEJ 'STATUS' but not respect.

For me the most important things in life are family, friends, health and hapiness. When we have money we can buy a lot of things but what if JAKICH CZASOW UZYWA SIE W ZDANIACH WARUNKOWYCH we will be sick? What we can do with our money? Definitely nothing.There are things which we can't buy :health,love PRZYPOMINNA SIE TAKA PIOSENKA BEATLESOW :-) ,family
and many others.We don't know who is our really friends KTO JEST NASI NAPRAWDE PRZYJACIELE and who is fake OSZUKANY/NIEPRAWDZIWY?. People become workaholism LUDZIE NIE MOGA SIE STAC CECHA CHARAKTERU and In the meantime they lost TO JEST CZAS PRZESZLY time, sometimes childhood their children DZIECINSTWO, SWOJE DZIECI and trust.They move away from THEIR familIES.

To sum up money is important but not the most important.The people who have large sums of money sometimes are depressed and unhappy.People spend so much time earning money.
nie tak dawno przeczytalam:
When you're young you chase money which you will then have to use when you are old to remedy those diseases which you caught when you were chasing money.
Money isn't everything.Sometimes somebody can say "Yeah, money isn't everything but it's better to cry in A Mustang than on a bike ".Money is the God of this world. Everybody wants have money. It's sad but true. can buy status but not respect.

For me the most important things in life are family, friends, health and hapiness. When we have money we can buy a lot of things but what if JAKICH CZASOW UZYWA SIE W ZDANIACH WARUNKOWYCH we will be sick? What we can do with our money? Definitely nothing.There are things which we can't buy :health,love ,family
and many others.We don't know who is our a true friend and who is fake . People become workaholics and In the meantime they lose time, sometimes childhood of their children and trust.They move away from their families.

To sum up money is important but not the most important.The people who have large sums of money sometimes are depressed and unhappy.People spend so much time earning money.

starałam sie poprawić, ale nadal nie mam pojęcia odnośnie tej jednej rzeczy
Everybody wants (brak slowa) have money. It's sad but true. (ale kto? pies? kot? mucha? musisz napisac) can buy status but not respect.

For me the most important things in life are family, friends, health and 'hapiness' (ortog). When we have money we can buy a lot of things but what if we 'will' (will daje nam znac, ze jestes 100% pewna o tym, ale tak nie moze byc, bo nie mozesz przewidziec czegos, tutaj daj lagodniejsze slowo) be sick? What 'we can' (to jest pytanie, a nie zdanie twierdzace, dlaczego musismy to przypominac. Zrob to poprawnie) do with our money?
There are things which we can't buy :health,love ,family and 'many others' (na przyklad? co to sa to 'many others').We don't know who is our 'a' (niepotr) true friend and who is (brak przedimka) fake. People become workaholics and In the meantime they lose time, sometimes (przedimek) childhood of their children and trust.

(moge dodac, ze ci co maja pieniadze mysla ze wszystko im wolno, wpadaja w to i owo)
edytowany przez terri: 19 wrz 2016


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