Najlepsza praca

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam serdecznie, proszę o pomoc w tłumaczeniu na angielski tego tekstu.

Myślę, że każda praca która daje satysfakcję, poczucie wartości i jest wykonywana z entuzjazmem jest pracą dobrą. Wykonując ją z pasją, zaangażowaniem pracujemy dobrze i z przyjemnością. Wtedy mamy szansą na rozwój osobisty i bycie docenionym przez pracodawcę. Nie potrafię wybrać konkretnego zawodu, myślę że najważniejsze jest by pracować z chęcią i zaangażowaniem niezależnie od wykonywanej pracy.
My tylko pomagamy tym którzy samodzielnie pracują. Sprobuj sam przetłumaczyć i wklej tu do sprawdzenia.
Próbuję sam, proszę o sprawdzenie i ewentualną korektę
I think that every job that gives you satisfaction, sense of values, and is executed with enthusiasm is working good(good work). Work performed with passion commitment brings satisfaction and is appreciated. Then have chance on personal growth and make appreciate with employer. I cant go in for career, i think is important with is work with happily and commitment regardless of perfirm work.
executed with enthusiasm? ? To piszesz o pracy kata czy korzystasz z translatora ? :P
zamiast executed myślę o handle?, pierwsze zdanie translator, reszta z głowy z pomocą słownika
Technically speaking, 'to execute a job with enthusiasm' is OK - just doesn't fit the context.
Something like: perform/do each job as best I can / to the best of my ability would be better.
dziękuję za wskazówki, proszę o pomoc w dalszej części tekstu
I shall be brave and put my tin hat on :)
As I understand the context of what you're trying to say, I would say this ...

Every job that you do should give you both a sense of satisfaction and value. From that, you are enthusiastic to do the job to your fullest ability. I believe that if you work with passion and commitment, this will lead to the job being done well and you being appreciated. I also believe it is important to do a job which allows you to develop your personal skills and work well with your employer. I firmly believe that, in doing work, you should be happy and enthusiastic.

This is not a direct translation, it doesn't sound 100% authentic (but for a non-native, it'll do), and without context it's difficult to say exactly what you want, but I think this is what you mean. However, if you use the above, you better make sure you have the oral skills to go with it ...
zamiast sense of values dalabym sense of fulfilment
passion and commitment
powtarza sie satisfaction, dalabym is rewarding
who has a chance on personal growth?
I cant go in for career, i think is important with is work with happily and commitment regardless of perfirm work.

A to to niby nie translator? ? ? Co to ma byc?
Thx SimonPorter you are the best, thx chippy. The End.
Simon has, quote, clients, unquote. That explains why he is keen to write in English for his clients rather than help them learn things.
Simon, be prepared to find many more direct requests to do homework in your letterbox.
Here we go again. OP issue resolved and is happy. Cue libel from mg. How about you come out from under your pseudonym? Anyone can find me and the work I do, how about you share all if us the same courtesy.
(Bloody phone) Last sentence: how about you share us the same courtesy?
"OP issue resolved and is happy. "
you see, that is quite symptomatic.
He wants to get his homework done, so he wrote something and instead of trying to teach him by helping him to correct his linguistic inadequacies, you go all the way to keep your client satisfied. There were sentences without subjects; do you think he'll start using subjects in his sentences just because you wrote what you wrote?

"Anyone can find me and the work I do, "
I've never cared to check you out. Also, using your name as a nick was your choice. I didn't choose to use my real name.
mike was using a translator, he can't built sentences but now he has FCE level homework . Great! :) Unless mike's teacher is completely dumb or he/she grades for money, mike is in trouble or soon will be.
I wouldn't worry about that too much :) it's a castle built on quicksand.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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